Determine the major effects that an organization’s environmental awareness has on its sustainability. Recommend one approach that HR can take to use an organization’s environmental awareness in order to attract and retain top talent.

Selected Strategy, Pro Forma Income, and Section VI of your SA (Amazon)

  Corporate strategy alternatives direct the firm into growth, retrenchment or stay the same (no-strategy). Business strategies support the corporate strategy and could be competitive or cooperative. Concrete business ideas are in your SWOT matrix. Functional strategies refer to how different functions support the business strategies.  Using the table of content for Section VI.A, present … Read more

SFAS to TOWS Matrix in your SA (section V of your SA)

  The SFAS identifies the 10 most important strategic factors. The TOWS Matrix organize the SFAS information into a matrix to think on S/O strategies, S/T strategies, W/O strategies and W/T strategies. Attach your TOWS Matrix draft and explain one specific strategy from each of the S/O and S/T groups (identify core competencies and distinctive … Read more

5 year Financial

 Collect Balance Sheet and Income Statement data for your 5-Year Financials and calculate common size income percentages to compare the financial performance of Amazon from 2008 thru 2012.


  After reading Chapter 9 in the textbook, read these two articles: “Integrating Talent Management and Core HR Systems Valuable but TrickyLinks to an external site.“ “Applicant Tracking for High Turnover EnvironmentsLinks to an external site..” Respond to the following: Why is it important to establish the meaning of talent and talent management in a … Read more


  Differentiate between a values-based ethics program and a compliance-based ethics program. Recommend either a values-based ethics program or a compliance-based ethics program for your current or a former organization. Provide a rationale for your response. Note: Please do not identify workplaces or leaders by name.


  Compare and contrast the various change management models. Provide a brief overview of your comparison. Which models have you seen implemented in the workforce? Next, recommend which change model you would use when implementing your new HRIS, and explain why you would use the selected  


  Imagine a vendor responded to your request for a HRIS proposal. What are the indirect/direct costs and benefits of the HRIS? What is the cost of implementation (include dollar estimates)? Does the cost justify the HRIS investment? Explain.


 Week 2 Discussion – Ethical Issues in Business Analyze one human resource ethical issue that you believe is prominent in today’s organizations. Suggest two approaches that organizations could take in order to resolve this issue and provide a rationale for your response. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.