diagram types

  For this week’s discussion, we have decided to move forward with the software development. We are looking at some tools that allow us to better look at the upcoming project. There are several diagrams that all have different purposes of showing other things about the project. Of the following tools, which do you feel … Read more

Project Management

  The cost, time, and scope of a project are how the Project Manager controls a project. There are tools that are needed to help keep the project on time and on budget. If you are managing a large project, would you prefer Gantt charts or PERT/CPM charts to represent project status? Explain why.

Strategic Planning

  Strategic planning is an important part of any company. Often, businesses need to ponder whether they should build the software or take on the project at all. Your manager asks you to prepare to discuss the first steps toward replacing the case management system. Research and discuss the purpose and details, including the benefits … Read more

Input Device Dialogue

The choice of an appropriate input device for a product is often based on both the type of device being used and the target market for that device. For instance, a device targeted to college students and one targeted to older individuals may use different input methods. Suppose that you are developing a device to … Read more

TCP/IP Networked Application

 There are many TCP/IP applications like Skype, email, and Workday, to name a few. All these applications reside at the application layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack and make use of the underlying layers in the stack. Select one of the TCP/IP applications. Then explain the application in terms of the services, its architectural level … Read more

Connectivity Media

 Scenario The company has asked you to implement a network to improve how they conduct business within the organization. The company occupies a two-story building in an office park. Their volume of business had been stable for the past three years, but has recently begun to increase. To handle the increased business volume, two new … Read more

Develop a System for our existing project, Outsource, build in-house. Discuss challenges and opportunities for the option chosen, Create a “mockup” of a schedule or WBS of your project plan

Chapter 10 System Development a. Describe your development. Outsource, build in-house. Discuss challenges and opportunities for the option chosen. 6. Chapter 11 Project Management a. Show a “mockup” of a schedule or WBS of your project plan (keep high level). (p. 278, Figure 9-16)  

Wk 5 Team – Apply: Relationship to Other Processes and Methods

As a team, discuss the relationship with other organization processes and methods, such as business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning (BCP/DR). Consider how these relationships affect an incident response plan. Develop a chart or create 2-3 slides that explain the relationship. What effect do these relationships have on the incident response plan? Why is … Read more