Week 4 – Causal Inference and Crime Measurement. How are they linked?

Crime Measurement is a critical element in our discipline. If we don’t accurately measure crime it has significant ramifications for impacting, controlling, reducing and ultimately stopping criminal and deviant behavior. Crime is measured using the UCR, NCVS, Self-Report Data, Secondary Data, Police Reports and many other sources. All of these sources are used to help … Read more

Bill of rights

  a) Did they seem to have a fairly complete understanding of the Bill of Rights? Why or why not? b) Were you surprised by the results? Why or why not? c) What do your survey results say about the average American’s understanding of the bill of Rights? How can this affect people when they … Read more

Module 1 Discussion Prompt – Evidence-Based Corrections

In recent years, there has been an increasing call to base decisions on empirical evidence. This move towards evidence-based practices and policies (EBPs) has occurred in a variety of fields,  including corrections. First, explain why it is important to rely on evidence-based practices rather than alternative approaches (e.g., those based on tradition or authority/correctional quackery). … Read more

Discussion Board #4 – Part 1

 Please read Deliberate and Decide at the end of Chapter 10 – p. 276-277 ( a copy has also been provided in the Module)Prison Policy Options  BOOK:   Peak, K.J., & Giacomazzi, A.L. (2019).Justice Administration:Police, Courts, & Corrections Management. (9th Edition). New York, NY:Pearson ISBN: 13: 978-0-13-487140-0 https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/  Answer question #2   Investing more in rehabilitative … Read more


  After establishing probable cause, your company, AB Investigative Services (ABIS), has been contacted by a prominent state law enforcement agency. Investigators do not understand the specifics of processing digital evidence or analyzing digital evidence. As an ABIS investigator, you will need go to the scene and provide guidance concerning the identification of digital evidence … Read more

Discussion Post

Community policing calls for problem-solving directed at resolving underlying issues of an identified problem. Identify a criminal justice issue in your local community that could be addressed by a problem-solving approach. Propose a solution that represents a community-based approach and explain why your solution would be considered community policing