week 4 assigment ethics
https://www.aca.org/ACA_Member/About_Us/Code_of_Ethics/ACA/ACA_Member/AboutUs/Code_of_Ethics.aspx?hkey=61577ed2-c0c3-4529-bc01-36a248f79eba https://media.capella.edu/CourseMedia/sumid000028/wrapper.asp
https://www.aca.org/ACA_Member/About_Us/Code_of_Ethics/ACA/ACA_Member/AboutUs/Code_of_Ethics.aspx?hkey=61577ed2-c0c3-4529-bc01-36a248f79eba https://media.capella.edu/CourseMedia/sumid000028/wrapper.asp
City of Detroit Supporting Lectures: Neighborhood Restoration Social Structure Theory Social Control To conclude the course, this discussion will apply some of the themes from previous weeks to the city of Detroit, Michigan. In recent years, Detroit has experienced increases in crime and urban decay. Issues such as abandoned property and unemployment have impacted Detroit. … Read more
This week, we are discussing Chapter 9 – Business Torts. In the lecture slides I discuss a very famous case not mentioned in the book – Pennzoil Co. v. Texaco, Inc., 481 U.S. 1 (U.S. 1987). An interesting article can be found about it here: https://www.nytimes.com/1987/12/19/business/pennzoil-texaco-fight-raised-key-questions.html(Links to an external site.) or here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1985/11/20/jury-awards-1053-billion-to-pennzoil-in-texaco-case/7d3d352f-816a-416c-95a9-19cc116db240/ (Links to an … Read more
Each member of the team should research one of the topics from the assignment description and make several key recommendations for their area. Apply your learning in technology coursework, personal experience, and Internet research to make recommendations in each of these areas. Where you do not have sufficient background information from the case study, you … Read more
Discussion Instructions You are going to discuss one of the case studies in connection with a theorist (Aristotle, Kant, Mill, Rawls, or Nozick). Before embarking on this exercise, review the relevant discussions and previous case studies you’ve written. Explain how the theorist you chose would evaluate one of the following cases we analyzed: Capital … Read more
For your discussion board assignment this week, please discuss something that you learned in either the reading, or slides, that surprised you or was something that you found particularly interesting. Then please do some research and find an article discussing a business dispute. Please summarize the article and, if applicable, discuss whether you think the … Read more
Weed and Seed Program Supporting Lectures: Neighborhood Restoration Social Structure Theories The “Weed and Seed” program was a Federal grant initiative that sought to revitalize cities around the country. This competitive grant program combined law enforcement strategies with community development and was used in hundreds of cities around the country. The Office of Justice Programs … Read more
Effectiveness of the Law Supporting Lectures: Classical Criminology Punishment Case study: Florida’s “10-20-Life” Law Your state officials are considering ways to deter gun violence. The governor has hired you to provide an analysis of Florida’s 10-20-Life law. Your task is to produce a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 slides that will provide lawmakers and the governor … Read more
n connection with this week’s topic Chapter 2 – Business Ethics and Social Responsibility. Please search for a news article that focuses on an ethical dilemma that a business is facing. Then summarize and discuss the article in your post and make a suggestion as to how you would resolve the dilemma based on the … Read more
Evidence-based sentencing reflects an effort to incorporate a rehabilitative focus into the design of criminal sanctions. Is this an appropriate job for judges? Do judges know enough about the causes of criminal behavior to accurately apply information from the EBS process to their attempts to tailor an appropriate sanction that will simultaneously punish and reduce … Read more