WATCH VIDEO & COMPLETE QUESTIONS SOURCES: TEXTBOOK CH. 5 ATTACHED & VIDEO ONLY 1. In your opinion, who was the leader in the video (pick one of the emotions in Riley)? 2. What leadership approach/s was apparent in the video? Support your claim. (Trait, Skill, Behavior?) 3. How could the leaders in the video utilized … Read more

Discussion – Leadership Styles

Watch the clip about leadership. Answer the questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GXacjZyGyQv What is the issue in the video? What leadership styles or approaches did you see? How would have you resolved the issue using your leadership style? Source: Video & Textbook (chapter 4)


   Resolving population health concerns requires the combined efforts of numerous agencies and individuals to address the Triple Aim of improving the patient experience, improving the health of populations, and reducing costs. This requires an interprofessional and collaborative effort to address the complex factors at the individual, organizational, community, and policy levels associated with the … Read more

Discussion – Behavior Approach in Leadership

Watch the clip about leadership. Answer the questions  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GXacjZyGyQv 1. What is the issue in the video? 2. What leadership styles or approaches did you see? 3. How would have you resolved the issue using your leadership style? Source: textbook attached & video  Ch. 4 pg. 96 

Discussion – Leadership2

Watch the clip about leadership. Answer the questions   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbW3avTBK1gLinks  Questions – chapter 2 of the textbook (attached) 1. What is the issue in the video? 2. How was the issue resolved using leadership? 3. What leadership styles or approaches did you see? 4. How would you have resolved the issue using your leadership style? … Read more

Business Finance – Management Intro to Annotated Bibliography Assignment

   Once you have completed the Intro to Annotated Bibliography Assignment, you can begin working on the Synthesizing Sources Assignment. For this assignment, you will construct a paragraph discussing three sources as it relates to the topic of discussing the relationship between LMX and Transformational Leadership. You will have already completed two of these in … Read more