
  Learning From Experiences: Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience. Reflect on the three (3) most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each? What did you learn from this experience? What resources … Read more

Elem stat(00) 1 &

The purpose of this activity is to be able to pick out the key parts of a research study that you have just learned in chapter 1. You need to do a search for a research article. It needs to come from one of these sites science daily, pub med, or google scholar. You can … Read more

Edu 560 week 6 discussion

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is one component of educating the whole child. The Collaborative for Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) divides SEL into five competencies: Self-awareness. Self-management. Social awareness. Relationship skills. Responsible decision-making  Using the CASEL SEL FRAMEWORK [PDF]Links to an external site., discuss the five competencies of SEL, connecting them to the guidelines … Read more

560 8-2

Describe the role of the prefrontal cortex in motivated behaviors. Provide a critical perspective on what makes human motivation unique in comparison with other species. Include the role of creativity in the explanation of human motivated behavior.

560 dp 6-2

Evaluate applied research in the field for identifying neural mechanisms of problem solving. Choose two current peer-reviewed articles to compare. What similarities and differences do the two articles explain for neural mechanisms?

dp 5-2 (560)

What are the characteristics that make human language unique? The field has moved to understand how to model language production and understanding. What factors contribute or not to difficulties in the production and understanding of language?

560 dp 4-2

Review Chapter 8 and the information and demonstrations given on schemas and scripts. Create a similar demonstration to one of those in Chapter 8 and present it to a classmate, friend, or family member. Based on the results of your demonstration, explain the role of schemas on memory formation. How did the experience measure up … Read more

Learning Theory- Individual Project 3

Research the work of psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus and his work on memory. He was interested in learning retention. Ebbinghaus wrote about how a significant amount of material can be forgotten within 20 minutes to 1 hour of learning it. Write a brief analysis about his forgetting curve. Identify at least 1 learning method that can … Read more

Learning Theory- Individual Project 2

Based on your selected topic for your short training course, develop a brief PowerPoint presentation about the objectives and goals of your course. Include a list of 3–5 objectives for the course, and outline what your audience will learn in the course. List 2 valuable corporate training and workplace education tools that you will use … Read more