
MNCs develop strategies based on analysis of both external and internal environments to identify the market environment and its competitive advantage to capture the market. Post a Response Read “Starbucks’ Caffeinated Push for Global Expansion” in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Please respond to the following: Explain Starbucks’ global expansion plan in China and Italy. … Read more


MNCs develop strategies based on analysis of both external and internal environments to identify the market environment and its competitive advantage to capture the market. Post a Response Read “Starbucks’ Caffeinated Push for Global Expansion” in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Please respond to the following: Explain Starbucks’ global expansion plan in China and Italy. … Read more


In Chapter 4 of the Reimagining Collaboration text, the author argues that email is not an effective tool for collaboration. Do you agree or disagree? Is there a time and place for email? Explain. As you’ve worked on your first assignment for your group project, have there been instances where email might have had an … Read more


For this assignment, you will again assume a management role for the company providing e-courses in the second assignment. The company has received numerous complaints from dissatisfied customers about the long wait times when contacting the company to request information about courses they purchased. After assessing the problem, the company found the sales and the … Read more

week 8 discussion Storytelling

Storytelling allows speakers to connect emotionally with their audience. In the business environment, storytelling can be useful to help an audience connect with business facts. Briefly share a story a speaker used in a business presentation. Was the speaker effective? Provide your rationale. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts

part 1

An HR manager recently got a thank-you note on her iPhone that read: “Thx 4 the Iview!” The manager had liked the candidate in the interview, but after getting this text message, she put his application in the reject pile. Why do you think she rejected the candidate? Was that fair? Should “textspeak” be considered … Read more


  Kubota Tractor Corp. makes farm, industrial, and outdoor equipment. Its franchise contracts allow Kubota to enter into dealership agreements with “others at any location.” Kejzar Motors, Inc., is a Kubota dealer in Nacogdoches, Texas and Jasper, Texas. These two Kejzar stores operate as one dealership with two locations. Kubota granted a dealership to Michael … Read more


  What is it about? This  is about being able to differentiate between various groups in our society. When working in case management, you can work with many different clients on a regular basis. It is important to be able to note that there are still stratifications in our society and not everyone is on … Read more