Email Meida

Scenario Imagine you are part of a community group trying to replace a local city council member. The council member is spreading misinformation about your group through the local media. This false information is causing distress among your members, and they are looking for solutions. Your team knows you’re studying mass media and asks for … Read more

Wide Wings Media LLC

Wide Wings Media and Advertising Agency is a UAE-based marketing company that offers varied digital marketing services to an ever-growing roster of clients and industries. At Wide Wings Media, we are fueled by the prospect of bringing creative ideas to life. We love to create content and develop inventive and socially viral campaigns. We work … Read more

Coca-Cola #ShareaCoke

 Provide a summary of the ad or include a screenshot, and explain what the intent behind the ad is.  From there, look at what the ad actually says (like the beer ad from Module 3 says that women are sex objects). Describe how social media plays into the intent and the actual message? What made … Read more


  Are stereotyped depictions of groups of people in social media just a common part of our culture? Do videos, blogs, and news forums need to depict individuals of Middle Eastern, Asian, Black, White, or foreign one way? Does mental illness need to be depicted only as a vehicle for violent behavior? This week’s activity … Read more

Connectivity Media

 Scenario The company has asked you to implement a network to improve how they conduct business within the organization. The company occupies a two-story building in an office park. Their volume of business had been stable for the past three years, but has recently begun to increase. To handle the increased business volume, two new … Read more

Psychology and Mass Media- Discussion Board 2

How effective is mass media in campaigns that are aimed at the public good (such as those against drunk driving, encouraging no texting while driving, advocating getting regular health checkups, or preventing forest fires)? Have you changed your own behaviors because of these campaigns? If so, explain how   Use the following resources to help … Read more


Society and the Media- the name of the class  Explain how you expect this course will help you move forward in your personal or professional life. Is everything we know about beauty programmed by the media? Build on a classmate’s post by asking questions, offering thoughtful ideas, or sharing personal connections. Be sure to demonstrate … Read more