case study 2

Kylie, a 24-year-old female patient, comes to your office for a refill of her allergy medication. Before going into the room, you note that her Patient Health Questionnaire – Depression (PHQ-9) score is 20, and that she is not currently on any medication for depression. When you enter the room, you notice that Kylie is … Read more

case study 2

Brian is a previously healthy 56-year-old white man who presents with progressive neuropathy and declining mental status over several months. The patient initially developed numbness of his fingertips and the balls of his feet and began to lose motor control of his hands, which manifested as dropping objects or flinging them as he tried to … Read more

obgyn case study

Discuss and described the pathophysiology and symptomology/clinical manifestations of Hyperandrogenism. Discuss three differential diagnoses for AUB with ICD 10 numbers for each. Discuss patient education. Develop the management plan (pharmacological and nonpharmacological). 

clinical experience obgyn

Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they? Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales. Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient. What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that … Read more

case study

Susan is a 30-year-old registered nurse who works in transitional care. She presents to employee health stating, “My back is killing me. I was helping to transfer a patient and he moved. I thought he was going to fall, so I twisted around to grab onto him and wrenched my back. The pain is terrible, … Read more

Hypertension power point

EDUCATIONAL POWER POINT  TOPIC IS HYPERTENSION  A description of the diagnosis and common symptoms using lay terms  A holistic treatment plan that includes: One medication and one evidenced-based non-pharmacologic treatment that is used for this diagnosis. Briefly explain how each will help the patient  As a provider briefly outline how you will assess SDOH in … Read more

Gyno healthcare for LGBTQ

Define and describe for lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals. Gender and sexuality concepts. Social and political context. Social determinants of health affecting lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals. Barriers to health care. Health care disparities.

educational pp hypertension

EDUCATIONAL POWER POINT  TOPIC IS HYPERTENSION  A description of the diagnosis and common symptoms using lay terms  A holistic treatment plan that includes: One medication and one evidenced-based non-pharmacologic treatment that is used for this diagnosis. Briefly explain how each will help the patient  As a provider briefly outline how you will assess SDOH in … Read more

mini case study 2

A 30-year-old male comes in complaining of 2 days of loose to watery diarrhea, 4 to 5 times a day with significant nausea and one episode of vomiting today. He has a temperature of 100.5 on presentation and an HR of 102. His skin is slightly pale, and he is complaining of abdominal cramping. He … Read more

Female Patient Case

R.T. is a 35-year-old female patient who was seen in the clinic because she has been trying to get pregnant for about 7 months but she has not been successful. Only positive gynecologic history for R.T. has been three episodes of pelvic inflammatory disease in the last five years.