Health promotion: Lung Cancer in Smokers and Diabetes in elderly men (Due 24 hours)

  APA format 1) Minimum  4 full pages  (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per page You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per item. More or less paragraphs are not allowed            Part 1: minimum  2 pages            Part 2: minimum 2 pages    Submit 1 … Read more

Health promotion: Breast cancer in menopausal patients and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Women Adolescents (Due 24 hours)

  APA format 1) Minimum  4 full pages  (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per page You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per item. More or less paragraphs are not allowed            Part 1: minimum  2 pages            Part 2: minimum 2 pages    Submit 1 … Read more

Conflict Resolution Policy

Develop a conflict resolution policy, procedures, and training for your organization.  This is a preliminary document so she wants you to keep it short. This assignment should include: Introduction to the topic of conflict a brief discussion about what workplace conflict is and why a policy is important policy and procedures for resolving conflict, and … Read more


I need help with the implementation. no sources needed. 1 page  Questions to answer Topic: Nurse Burnout how will it effect the unit, nurses, managers, patients how will it be implemented…the plan to reduce nurse burnout My Solution to the problem: These me. asures, essentially, can be reflected through improved schedules, strategic breaks, seeking support, learning … Read more


    Choose Topic you are interested in. Choose a nursing theory or theoretical framework that could be used to research your topic of interest. Develop a research question based on your topic [ (PICOT) METHOD may be used].  Explain the interrelationship between theory, research and EBP. Identify and discuss the research question, sampling and sampling … Read more

Assessment on Evidenced based practice

A written assignment of 3500 word (excluding your reference list and any appendices). This will be a critical exploration of Evidence Based Practice and its key components within today’s healthcare arena. It will include the critical appraisal of a piece of evidence of relevance to the student’s practice. The work will utilise appropriate sources from … Read more

Health Policy and Promotion

NSG6002 Writing Assignment: Letter to a Congressperson Instructions As nurses we too have a moral, ethical, and professional duty to be advocates for our patients so that the government can meet the moral challenge of taking care of the children, aged, and ill. To do this we need to be part of the dynamic process … Read more