Discussion 1

1. Discuss pharmacologic principles.  2. Discuss the interactions of herbal products, over-the-counter medications, and prescribed medications. 3. Describe the influence of lifespan, lifestyle, and culture on pharmacological management.  4. Discuss ethical and legal considerations in pharmacology.  5. Describe management of pharmacologic therapy using the nursing process.    Be sure to review any course expectations and … Read more

Case Study Analysis

   Case Study Markus is a Caucasian 45 year old male, who has been smoking cannabis since he was 18 years old. He now grows his own plants. He used to drink alcohol mixed drinks (2 drinks per night) and 4 or more on the weekends. In the past 6 months the amount has doubled. … Read more

Medication Reconciliation Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help pre-nursing students apply the concept of medication reconciliation to a client scenario.  This activity is designed to help the pre-nursing student develop clinical reasoning skills and develop safe medication practices that relate to the process of medication reconciliation. Remember from the lecture that a complete medication reconciliation can save the lives of your future clients.   Objectives:  Explain the process … Read more


Students will complete the form below for each drug on the list assigned weekly. Each form must be hand-written, as typed forms will not be accepted. The assignment should be submitted to the Canvas assignment drop box. The number of drugs per week varies. As some drugs have multiple uses, they may be listed more … Read more


Mosby’s 2022 Nursing Drug Reference Scavenger Hunt (35th Ed.) This handout is designed to assist you in locating information in your drug guide for future reference and allow you to take advantage of the resources of your text. Please download the assignment document below, complete, and then submit via the drop box as instructed by faculty. 

replay to leetal

  Seizure disorders can negatively impact an individual’s life and are associated with high morbidity and mortality rates if not well-controlled. This neurological condition affects anyone regardless of age, race, social class, etc. According to Johnson (2018), a seizure is a sudden alteration in neurological function due to abnormal and excessive discharging of neurons in … Read more

Reply to Leetal Pharmacology

1- Comments and reply to this post.     Disorders such as peptic ulcer disease (PUD), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be painful and often interferes with daily life. PUD occurs when excessive gastric acid secretion eats away at the inner surface of the stomach or small intestine (Kavitt et al., … Read more