750 words due in 12 hours

write a 750 words in which you use logic to conclude something based on your own experience. Focus on what you learned about deductive arguments to construct a valid, sound modus ponens or modus tollens argument. First, briefly tell me what validity is and how your argument follows the structure of either modus ponens or … Read more


Prompt: First, briefly lay out Dennett’s account of the self as it constructed through a narrative. What might this narrative structure mean for a person that has multiple personality disorder? Second, give a brief comparison with James Giles ‘no-self theory’ that you read last week. Finally, and following from your responses to the two previous questions, … Read more


What is the significance of the stories about the ship-owner and the religious islanders to Clifford’s argument? What is wrong with the actions and beliefs of the shipowner and the agitators in the island? Why is belief important according to Clifford? For Clifford, why is wrongness attributable to a belief (not just an action)? Why … Read more