Practice Applications

1. The local library holds a monthly town hall meeting attended by more than 100 residents, recorded for the internet, and covered in several local news media outlets. You are asked to present a program identifying ways to improve your community’s health. What are the key points your audience should take away?  2. The president … Read more


You are an analyst for a federal agency. Congress has ordered your agency to come up with policy options to find a cure for birth defects. You recognize that (a) birth defects have many causes, (b) some can be treated, (c) some can also be prevented, but (d) not all of them can be “cured.” … Read more

Discussion 1

1. What is the real and perceived performance of the U.S. health care system? How do views differ among different groups of patients, providers, payers, and politicians? 2. Why do we spend so much money on health care? 3. Why isn’t the population healthier? 4. How is the ACA part of the problem or part … Read more

Philosophy of Nursing

Discuss your philosophy of nursing by deeply reflecting on your beliefs, values, and assumptions. Define, using a reference, the term “beliefs.” Complete the following sentences: My beliefs about people… My beliefs about the environment… My beliefs about health… My beliefs about nursing… Define, using a reference, the term “values.” Complete the following sentences: My values … Read more

Requesting help

Use the following databases/websites to investigate the state where you live and practice.Each state’s health department will provide you with a wealth of information and should be your first resource. United States Census Bureau Healthy People 2030 Objectives Healthy People 2030 Tools for Action Healthy People 2030 Evidence-Based Resources County Health Rankings and Roadmaps AHRQ … Read more


  While you are in the infancy of thinking about your dissertation topic, it helps to begin with the end in mind.  During your literature review, you will uncover a gap in the scholarship on your proposed topic.  While this gap may be content or methodological-specific, it is critical to think about the type of methodology … Read more

The theory of attachment

 Based on the theory of attachment, what behaviors would a nurse attempt to stimulate when working with parent to promote health attachment?   Please use APA 7th Edition. Minimum 450 words, use in text citation, with 2 scholarly references (Within 5 years).  Also include 2 replies to the same discussion post you are providing with references … Read more

Surrogate Role

 The surrogate role is not one that is frequently mentioned in recent nursing practice literature.  Is that role as defined by Peplau relevant to nursing practice as currently experienced.  If so, in what way.  If not, why?  Please use APA 7th Edition. Minimum 450 words with 2 scholarly references (Within 5 years).  Also include 2 … Read more

Social Support

  Analyze the potential effectiveness resulting from professional or nurse-provided social support versus enhancement of social support provided by personal relationship and social networks for parents of children with chronic mental illness.  Please use APA 7th Edition. Minimum 450 words with 2 scholarly references (Within 5 years). Citation in text. Also include 2 replies to the … Read more