Social Media responses

  1.Social media is growing rapidialy, especially the online social media is growing fasster than we can keep up with. These new generation students are going to be so focused on thier video games. thier cell phones that they won’t know what would hit them. As a parent you should mointior how long your children … Read more

Discussion 4 re 2

Read classmates post and respond with 100 words: Medicare consists of 4 main parts. Part A,B,C, and D. Part A provides inpatient and hosptial coverage. Part B provides outpatient medical coverage. Part C provides alternative way to recieve coverage, and Part D provides prescription coverage. Example of Part A coverage is a nursing facility, hospice … Read more

Discussion wk 3 response 2

Read classmates post and respond in 100 words: Good evening class, To get a better idea of what the combination coding is, it is necessary to keep in mind that a combination code is a single code created and used to classify different diagnoses, diagnoses with a secondary procedure; and finally, is used to diagnose … Read more

Discussion wk 2 post 1

Read classmates post and respond with 150 words: List the 8 steps to accurate coding. Explain how following these steps can help you develop accurate coding skills. use your own words and provide citations and references for any sources you utilize in your responses. The citation ( Carol J. Buck, Saunders)  follows any sentence that reflects … Read more