
  You will write a proposal and/or report in which you pick a topic (i.e. parking on campus) and imagine that you are working in a group with a specific solution in mind for the proposed “problem” (See below for topics). Write a report about the status of a specific solution you have set out … Read more


  You will write a proposal and/or report in which you pick a topic (i.e. parking on campus) and imagine that you are working in a group with a specific solution in mind for the proposed “problem” (See below for topics). Write a report about the status of a specific solution you have set out … Read more

Your Personal Moral Theory

Introduction In this session, you have been considering moral-ethical dilemmas you yourself faced or that you know of that you either resolved or failed to resolve, but hopefully learned from. You may never have given much thought to ethical theory nor what ethical premises/paradigms you have unconsciously held. You will be focusing on this case … Read more


 Cialdini includes in his discussion of scarcity the power of gain frames and loss frames. Explain the difference between these two types of frames psychologically. How could you use this information to create an appeal to help you break a bad habit or start a healthy habit? 


  COMPETENCIES ADDRESSED:  Focusing on issues of dying and grieving specific to cases of suicide. Describing the practices related to death and dying within various cultures, with particular emphasis upon the United States. Identifying sources of information for use by one’s self, professionals, and the public who are addressing issues of death and dying of … Read more


  You will research the name Matthew Logelin and answer ONE of the following questions in a short paragraph    What effect do you think Matthew’s actions in dealing with his wife’s death had on Maddy’s perception of her mom dying shortly after giving birth to her?  Why? 


  Discussion Question:  Provide arguments for and/or against using relevant research: a. National legislation legitimizing mercy killing. b. National legislation legitimizing the selling of human organs. c.  The establishment of national registration of live donors. Note this question is a 3-part question.  Please be sure to answer all 3 parts, with three paragraphs basing most of your answers … Read more

Kant’s Ethics and Our Duty

Kant’s famous First Formulation of the Categorical Imperative reads, “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” Kant taught morality as a matter of following maxims of living that reflect absolute laws. “Universal” is a term that allows for no exceptions, and … Read more

Play Analysis

Play Analysis Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 8 Play from the Internet, YouTube, DVD, iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, etc. 1 primary source (written version of selected play)


Characteristics of Good Hypotheses After reviewing the readings and resources for this unit, find two journal articles for original research studies in your broad area of interest. Identify the hypothesis that the researchers presented in each article. Summarize the hypotheses (up to three per article) in your discussion board post. Summarize the characteristics of a … Read more