Python Homework Help

Reviewing other developer’s work is essential. Reviewing the work of others makes both the reviewer and the reviewee better developers by allowing you to see how others might solve the same problem. It also ensures that standards are adhered to and offer the potential to catch logic errors that would otherwise end up in production.  … Read more

Python Program Project

 In this project, you will write a Python program for a miniature “Isolation” game on a 3-by-3 board. Your program should make a suggestion about the best possible move for Player 1 (the player represented by Max nodes on the Min-Max search tree), and once Player makes his move, make the best move for Player … Read more

computer science network security

The Vigenère cipher was thought to be completely unbreakable for hundreds of years, and indeed, if very long keys are used the Vigenère cipher can be unbreakable. But if short keys are used, or if we have a lot of ciphertext compared to the key length, the vigenere cipher is quite solvable.  In this  you … Read more


  Create an app called MyFinances. The app should allow the storing of financial objects. The financial objects are CDs, Loans, and Checking accounts. CDs should be able to store the account number, initial balance, current balance, and interest rate. Loans should be able to store the account number, initial balance, current balance, payment amount, … Read more