***REPLY TO EACH POST 100 WORDS MIN EACH SINGLE SPACE***   1. Discussion Questions: What is the purpose or the point of terrorism? The definition of terrorism from the Britannica dictionary is “terrorism, the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular … Read more

Replies to two classmates.

 You must post two answers to your peer peers of 150 words. Turnitin is less than 15%.  Look these are two different replies.    Classmate #1 post:   Immigration Policy Reform The comprehensive immigration reform is a policy that first gained momentum in the year 2001 in the United States of America, which was meant to increase … Read more

Reply to a discussion board

Reply to classmate post:   (Word Limit for response: 250 words).   Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA format) for your work.   Classmate post:  According to Medline Plus (2019), as many as 1 in 3 adults in the US suffer from high blood pressure. Many people suffering from hypertension do … Read more

w7 post and reply

****ANSWER POST 250 WORDS MIN****  Discussion Questions: Compare and contrast at least two counter-radicalization program. What are the similarities and differences between them? Which particular counter or de-radicalization program do you think is or would be the most effective when employed in North America for those already radicalized?   ****REPLY TO EACH POST 100 WORDS MIN … Read more


 ****ANSWER EACH POST 250 WORDS MIN EACH POST**** 1. DISCUSSION QUESTION- What are your views on the use of drones in our operations against terrorists?  Provide the short and long term costs and benefits of using drones against al Qaida targets. 2.  Discussion Questions: Beyond just its capability for mass means of communications and spreading fear, what are … Read more


 ****REPLY TO EACH POST 100 WORDS MIN EACH**** 1. Counterterrorism is nothing new to the U.S. especially the FBI. “In 1982, counter-terrorism was designated as the fourth national priority for the bureau.” (Chalk, 2003) Then why is there such an issue with it still? The American people are for the most part willing to forego … Read more

Reply to one classmate

  Reply to one classmate’s posts with a reflection of their response (Word Limit for response: 200 words).   Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA format) for your work.    Classmate posts:  Functional behavior involves the use of various parts of the self-including, including emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual, to manage … Read more

Replies to two classmates.

 Respond to two other classmates’ at least with 100 words  Classmate # 1. Post  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has revolutionized the American health care system by making it possible for an additional 20 million Americans to have health insurance and by preventing the loss of thousands of lives. The Affordable Care … Read more


***ANSWER THIS POST 250 WORDS MIN***  Discussion Questions: What do you think the key factors were that inspired Mubin Shaikh toward extremism? This is the first case we have looked at that deals with a homegrown group (terrorist cell). In week 2 you read the Radicalization Puzzle by Hafez and Mullins (2015) who described one of … Read more

w3 reply post

****REPLY TO EACH POST MIN 100 WORDS EACH**** 1.  In this week’s forum it discusses two pathways to terrorism explained by Professor Mohammed Hafez at a Congressional Forum on Islam. The first process that is most visible is the top-down process. Hafez describes that this process is utilized by centralized organizations in which they promote … Read more