
I want to look for Analysis of the effectiveness of safety training in power production plants in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The search will be according to the attached plan   Not stolen and the percentage does not exceed 10%

safety in telecom

   I need following  what is the safety and health hazard related to the telecom sector  (eg electrical work, work at height, lifting operation and microwave)? what is the role and responsibility of a safety officer in the telecom company? How does the safety officer evaluate hazards, control measures, and develop a telecom company safety … Read more

Conflict Resolution

Determine whether your clinical practice site has a conflict resolution process. If so, what is the process? Discuss whistle-blower protection. How would you proceed if you believed there was cause for concern about patient safety at your clinical practice site?

Week 6 Discussion

This week provides an opportunity as you end the course to put all your reading and thinking about quality and safety together.  You have read IOM reports from the last 20 years and have reviewed a variety of nursing and health care quality and safety initiatives.  Describe the current state of informatics, quality, and safety in … Read more


  For this Written Response Assessment, you will respond to a series of  prompts related to the uses of assessment and screening to support  young children’s development and learning. Professional Skills: Written Communication is assessed in this Competency. To complete this Assessment, download the Written Response Submission  Form, which includes the rubric for this Assessment. Complete … Read more

Hospital Safety

Visit the website  And Watch the video on the home page.  Pick a hospital, check its scorecard, and summarize its full report in 3 – 4 pages (approximatley 1000 words).  As the video states, even the best hospitals make mistakes. What would you suggest the hospital you selected do to create the issues listed?