6336 WK2 Assgn 2

Theories and Models of Crisis Response Note: The Assignment is due by Day 4 prior to the Discussion. To understand effective service delivery in response to critical incidents, helping professionals must first understand theories of how individuals process crisis and models for responding to survivors. For example, being aware of the Childhood Sexual Abuse Accommodation … Read more

6336 WK1 Assgn 2

Impact of Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Events on Mental Health When a critical incident occurs, it can feel like an emotional earthquake to the survivor, disrupting his or her overall functioning. In cases of prolonged trauma (e.g., childhood sexual abuse or war), there is no immediate “clean-up” effort, resulting in prolonged exposure to trauma. In … Read more

6336 WK1 Assgn 1

Mental Health Responders for Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Events Critical incident responders come from a variety of fields. Rescue workers (e.g., police, firefighters, emergency medical professionals) are often the first-line responders. However, the helping professionals and volunteers from emergency response organizations are often just behind the first-line responders, allocating resources, assessing situations, and addressing mental … Read more

Perception Presentation

Assessment Description Imagine you are an expert on critical thinking. You have been asked to give a presentation on the concepts of perception and critical thinking. Create a PowerPoint that contains the following: Eight slides (one title slide, six content slides, and one reference slide) How all five senses impact perception The role of perception … Read more

Process Recording #4

 Students are required to complete four process recordings during the semester. This learning tool requires the student to critique an interview with a client by identifying and analyzing thoughts and emotional reactions/responses to the encounter with the client. Social work values and standards are applied as a guideline for this analysis. The Walsh (2002) reading … Read more


  This assignment is your opportunity to design an evidence-supported therapy group that demonstrates comprehension of the elements of group leadership, group development, and group process that have been reviewed throughout the semester.  Students will create a proposal of a group curriculum that could be implemented in a current practicum agency or the agency where … Read more

Case Alexia

   CASE- ALEXIA Last week, Alexia entered the inpatient treatment program where you are a social worker. She is being treated for alcohol and cocaine (crack) dependence. Alexia is a 32-year-old, divorced  woman who is employed as an administrative assistant at a local human services program. She lives with her 11-year-old daughter, Christine, in an … Read more

6520 WK11 Assgn 2

Assignment 2: Mid-Term Evaluation and Self-Assessment Prior to your field education experience, you completed an agency learning agreement that outlined potential goals and objectives related to social work practice skills that you sought to acquire during this course. Like a contract, your agency learning agreement also provided your field instructor a set of criteria that … Read more