Social Science Research Outline Assignment

 Research Assignment: Outline based on your sources from the Research Outline: Topic Selection/Annotated Bibliography Assignment and at least two additional peer-reviewed, scholarly sources from your continued research of the topic, for a total of five peer-reviewed, scholarly sources.

Social Science Sport Organization Revenue and Expenses Assignment

 OVERVIEW Based on official information from financial statements and reports or well-developed estimates in the popular financial press, list the revenue sources and amounts and major expenses and amounts of a sport related business entity (professional sports club, college athletic department, youth travel club, major sports event, sport governing body, summer camp, health and fitness … Read more


 OVERVIEW After reading the first two chapters of the text, create and describe three personal goals/objectives for this course that are connected to a course-related, professional position you have or aspire to have. Describe the professional position you have or aspire to have and the importance of economic and financial competence in the role. For … Read more

Discussion Thread: The Law of Influence

  According to Maxwell (2007), “…leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less” (p. 11). Do you agree or disagree? Explain. (Transcript of video attached) Maxwell (2007) challenges you to use your responses to the following questions to determine your methods of influence. What do you rely upon most to persuade people to follow you? … Read more

project 2 sports

podcast link:\ podcast link 51:

Social Science Sport Outreach Plan – Comprehensive Draft Assignment

 Submit a comprehensive draft of your sport outreach plan that includes elements of your previous sections and is revised to incorporate feedback from the peer-review process and the instructor. The draft should be professionally written and directed toward a general audience of your program’s hypothetical stakeholders- partners, funding sources, participants, staff- and tell them clearly … Read more

Discussion Thread: Legal and Ethical Considerations

 After reading the online articles posted in this week’s Learn section, what legal concepts would you need to take into consideration if you were a Christian coach at a public high school and were thinking of having a team prayer or devotional?  How could you incorporate your faith in a vocational setting that regulates a … Read more