APPLIED RESEARCH REPORT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS   Overview The Non-Thesis student who plans to take an internship and not write a Thesis as part of our program, must complete the Applied Research Report Assignment and the Applied Research Presentation Assignment. Student desiring to learn a great deal pertaining to their selected research topic but intend not to … Read more

Event Management Plan

  After the successful marketing and public relations campaigns your company created, the local Little League baseball organization has contacted the athletic director about using the University’s facilities for the opening day ceremonies. This is a first for the school, so they have again contracted your company to help them manage the event. The opening … Read more

Discussion Thread: Sport and the American Dream

  The American Dream is a hopeful vision of boundless opportunities for individuals to succeed economically and live a happy life based on consumption. This uniquely American belief that “you can be anything you want to be” never acknowledges that a person’s class position influences life chances or that life chances influence patterns of social … Read more

Interview Prep

  Things are headed in the right direction because you have just been called in for an interview, which will take place in two weeks. Now what? What steps do you take to prepare for the interview? What do you need to do to fully research the position? Can you over-prepare?  Provide a detailed plan … Read more