
Suppose 36 participants complete an experiment where ads are presented subliminally during a task (e.g. Coke ads are flashed at very fast rates during movie ads). Participants are then given a recognition test of images of the ads, where two images are presented and participants must choose which of the two was presented earlier. Both … Read more

Project one

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Implement statistical analysis using quantitative and qualitative variables Apply statistical techniques to address research problems Scenario You are a data analyst working for a real estate company based in Seattle. You have access to a large set of historical data that you can … Read more


Respond to the following: On the basis of what you learned in the readings, define the terms “sample” and “population” and describe some of the advantages and disadvantages of using a sample compared to a population. Support your reasoning with examples. A researcher is studying the effects of caffeine on e x a m scores … Read more

week1 statistics BS

Creating a Database using Microsoft Excel Create a new Microsoft Excel database in which you will be able to enter the following variables: Subject identification (ID) number Age.  (my age is 27) Sex (female) Height (5’3) Year in college (4th year in prison) Name each variable in the datafile. All data to be manipulated (everything … Read more


1.  Define the Null Hypothesis and give an example 2.  Define the Alternative Hypothesis and give an example. 3.  Explain what the following question means: “Does the evidence that we collected make our null hypothesis look ridiculous?” 4.  Explain what the following statement means: “Statistics is the science of changing your mind under uncertainty.”  Also, … Read more