VC003: Community Work

  This Assessment requires submission of three (3) documents: Please see the attachment  Part 1 of this Assessment requires the submission of two files: A completed Victim Advocate Job Profile Worksheet and a short overview of approximately 500 words of types of services and supports that are available to victim witnesses.  A short overview of approximately … Read more

AC003: Communication

 Part 1 is a 1-page executive summary paper that includes a short description of the criminal justice policy you will be arguing for or against.  Part 2 is a 5- to the 6-slide presentation in which you create an executive summary that describes the information presented in each of the visual aids you selected. Then, … Read more

LR003: Assessment Instructions

  Overview For this Written Response Assessment, you will answer a series of items to demonstrate your understanding of how to analyze the research and data provided. This Assessment is based on the Improving Jail Populations Case Study. Read the case study then complete the Assessment. Submission Length: 2-3 paragraphs per question/item (total of 5).  To … Read more