Wk2: Mini Lit Review


Wk2: Mini Lit Review

Research this week’s discussion topic (assigned by the professor). You will write a Mini Lit Review using at least four quality articles on the topic for this week. Your Mini Lit Review must include the following:

  • An introduction that states your thesis and communicates the organization of the mini lit review
  • An analysis of the topics, concepts, and theories central to your topic
  • A discussion of the themes, debates, or gaps in the literature
  • An analysis of how the articles apply to the current issue, including a critical evaluation of the premise, methodology, contributions, and limitations of each source
  • A conclusion that summarizes the key points, discusses the implications and ensures that your readers understand the key takeaways from your review
  • Full bibliographic information (in APA format)

Source Requirements: Because this is a current trends course, some of your sources will come from periodicals or non-scholarly sources. At least one-half of your references should come from scholarly resources.  Avoid low-quality sources.  These include (but are not limited to) Wikipedia, many newspapers, many advocacy organizations, and popular press articles.  Information from the Internet (such as a Google search) is rarely high quality and is not acceptable unless it is from a high-quality journal, periodical, or research source that is also published to the Web. Instead, please use library databases for your research. The best databases to use include:

  • Business Source Complete
  • ProQuest Central

The body of each week’s mini lit review should be 4-6 pages in length (in APA format, double-spaced, 12 pt font). Title your paper LastName_FirstInitialWk2.  


Learning Resources:

Choose the Waggoner Library link on the left to access valuable learning resources for help with your weekly assignments. The resources are extensive and provide everything you need to complete research projects or other learning activities.