3-1 Discussion

Overview: The importance of compensation varies depending on the viewpoint, as stated by Barry Gerhart and Jerry Newman in Compensation. Society views compensation as a measure of justice; managers may view compensation as a major expense or a motivator; employees view compensation as an entitlement or as an incentive. Regardless of the viewpoint, fairness and equity are essential. Compensation must also be up-to-date, competitive in the market, and easy to understand.

Aligned pay structures support the way the work gets done, fit the organization’s business strategy, and are fair to employees. Organizations typically task an in- house human resource (HR) professional or hire an HR consultant to create and maintain the company’s pay structure.

Prompt: In Milestone One, you will address the internal consistency component of a pay structure using the specially designed case scenario. Read the Final Project Case Study (linked to in your course) for detailed information on the requirements for this project.

Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below. Internal Consistency:

  1. Create complete job descriptions for the benefits manager and production worker position using O*NET. Note: There may be several versions of these positions on O*NET. You should create personalized job descriptions that are tailored to the company.
  2. Calculate the job evaluation points for the administrative assistant, operations analyst, production worker, and benefits manager jobs. Provide a rationale for assigning specific weights and degrees to the various jobs. Use the job descriptions you created in section one, as well as the job descriptions in Appendix A of the final project case study, as a reference. Note: The weights, broken down by the compensable factors, must total 100%.
  3. Create job families for all the roles at the Rockville location. The families may be illustrated in a table or bullet format. List positions within each family based on the difficulty level. Provide a rationale for why jobs were assigned to the various families.

Guidelines for Submission: Your final project will be a Word document, approximately 5–9 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be

written in APA format. Your Word document may include Word tables, Word lists, Excel screenshots, and rationale in written paragraphs. Use double spacing, 12- point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value


Internal Consistency: Job Descriptions

Provides complete job descriptions tailored to the company

Provides job descriptions that are incomplete or are not tailored to the company

Does not provide job descriptions required




Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Internal Consistency: Job Evaluation

Provides complete job evaluations for all identified job descriptions and explains rationale for assigning specific weights and degrees to the jobs

Provides incomplete job evaluations for all or some of the identified job descriptions or does not explain rationale for assigning specific weights and degrees to the jobs

Does not provide complete job evaluations for identified job descriptions and does not provide rationale for specific weights and degrees to jobs


Internal Consistency: Job Families

Provides logical job families for all job roles and explains rationale for why jobs were assigned to the job families

Provides illogical job families for some of the job roles or does not explain rationale for why jobs were assigned to the job families

Does not provide job families and does not provide rationale


Articulation of Response

Submission has no major errors related to grammar, spelling, syntax, organization, or citations

Submission has major errors related to grammar, spelling, syntax, organization, or citations that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to grammar, spelling, syntax, organization, or citations that prevent understanding of ideas


Total 100%
