
 300 words List the signs and symptoms that point to a mental health diagnosis in the case. Describe the other case details you would need to know for treatment planning and explain your reasoning. List and describe the treatment interventions you would use for this case and explain your reasoning.


  Explain how the speaker describes the cause of reexperiencing symptoms in PTSD. Explain why avoidance worsens PTSD symptoms. Explain what you think is the biggest challenge in treating PTSD 200 words

Carbon footprint

  Carbon Footprint Exercise  1) Go to https://www.carbonfootprint.com/calculator.aspx 2) Calculate your carbon footprint.  For each tab (Welcome, House, Flights, etc.) fill in the information asked for. 3) If it doesn’t apply to you, skip that tab. 4) If you live in a dorm and your academic institution does not provide the information, you can use … Read more

Discussion Board 8

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj3p6hrOcE4&feature=youtu.be As a result, the burden of birth control rests primarily on the woman’s shoulders.  Despite the increased cost and risk, six times more women have tubal ligations than men have vasectomies. One international response has been World Vasectomy Day (includes video, 3:29). This is a yearly initiative by health activists around the world to … Read more


Research a veterinary medical condition that may result in emaciation (i.e., not external factors such as malnutrition or starvation but an internal factor). Discuss in your post: 1.Common presentation or signs associated with the disease process. 2.How would you go about differentiating this disease process from starvation or malnutrition?  Including, what diagnostic or ancillary testing … Read more

bio 2

Question 1:   You are working a shift at the Emergency Room when a patient comes in after losing lots of blood and bodily fluids from a bad accident. A new healthcare professional, on their first day of the job, thinks it’s a great idea to give the patient pure water (no sugar or salts). … Read more

Help me please

In what ways will critical thinking help you to become a more successful student? In what ways will critical thinking help you to achieve lifelong goals? In a minimum of 250 words, respond to the initial discussion question. Please note that your initial response to this Discussion question is due no later than Wednesday, June … Read more

Nutrition Dietary Research

 Research a diet currently being used by the public. It can be a commercial diet such as Atkins, Weight Watchers; a regional diet such as Mediterranean; or one that focuses on types of food such as vegan. Identify the name of the diet and its purpose (weight maintenance, long term health, etc.). Explain its key … Read more

Liền Kề Vinhomes Đại An

  Hiện nay, nhiều người không chỉ quan tâm đến Vinhomes Ocean Park hay Vinhomes Ocean Park Gia Lâm mà còn quan tâm đến Liền kề Vinhomes Đại An. Vì gần đây, liền kề Vinhomes Đại An là đô thị kiểu mẫu và tạo động lực phát triển kinh tế cho huyện Văn Giang. Với … Read more

Discussion J2

  Select one grade level and review the VDOE English standards and the Common Core State Standards for that grade level. Compare and contrast the standards at that grade. List two ways the sets of standards are similar and two ways they are different. Review Virginia’s Foundation Blocks for Early Learning: Virginia Standards for Literacy … Read more