Research Proposal

Topic: Global warming and its effect on living organisms.   need to focus on one or two questions/hypotheses that you can test or evaluate. For example, how could you test if global warming is thinning the biosphere? You need to include some specific response variables to global warming that can be measured.  How about comparing … Read more

cardiovascular system

  Explain the anatomical concepts associated with the vascular system. Summarize this module’s key points in 5-6 sentences. Explain the physiological concepts associated with the vascular system. Summarize this module’s key points in 5-6 sentences. How will you apply the concepts you have learned about the heart in real life and in your future nursing … Read more


 discuss which two rooms in your home or workplace that you believe are the most contaminated. Explain why you chose these two rooms and list at least two bacteria that are the common types found in those rooms. 

Dignity legislation

Physician Aid-in-Dying is a practice that is legal in a number of states within the United States due to the passing of the Death With Dignity Act. Additional reading is present on this legislation in the topic readings. Please make sure to research this topic prior to beginning this assignment, as you will need to apply this … Read more


1. Have you been on many video calls? Do you primarily use them for school, work, or social interaction? Do you feel that it is more difficult to hold conversations online as opposed to in-person? 2.  Rudy lives in the country and has difficulty with his internet connection. His computer often “buffers” during video calls … Read more

Special Milk Program

Question 1:    Visit the USDA Food and Nutrition Service website, and write your analysis on the effectiveness of the Special Milk Program for children in schools and childcare institutions. Discuss the importance of this program in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. (Minimum 200 word) Question 2: Is the program available to everyone? (Minimum … Read more

Food and Growth

Want kids to learn well? Feed them well | Sam Kass Question: What can we do as a society to improve our future generations diet?(Minimum 100 word each) Question: Why is food sustainability important? (Minimum 100 word each) Food Security| The Lexicon of Sustainability | PBS Food Question: What are some possible solutions to hunger … Read more

Biology questions

Q1: Which nonhistone protein helps to maintain chromosome structure? a.- Nucleosome. b.- Chromatin. c.- Actin. d.- Scaffolding protein. Q2: Please explain the cytokinesis. Q3: Typical somatic cells in animals include: a.- 2n cells. b.- Sperm cells. c.- n cells d.- All Gamete cells. Q4: What are 3 reasons to explain genetic variations in Meiosis? ________________ Q5: If the cell has 50 chromosomes, … Read more

Anatomy Module3 Reflection

  After reviewing and studying this module’s content, answer the following 5 questions. Be sure to complete all lab activities and attend/watch all live lectures before completing this assignment. All of your answers should be written in your own words, using full sentences, correct terminology, and proper spelling and grammar.   Explain the anatomical concepts associated with the skeletal … Read more


  Interest in reproductive technologies have given rise to significant bioethical issues.  Research one of the following topics, then write a 2 paragraph, 200 word summary in your own words:  Human cloning CRISPR technology Embryo cryopreservation  In vitro fertilization Artificial gametes (in vitro generated gametes) Preimplantation genetic diagnosis Artificial uterus Germinal choice technology Designer baby Procreative beneficence Sex … Read more