Answer the question

Question: With the many high throughput experiments that are used in biomedical research, how are some ways to integrate those datasets using systems biology? For example, if you had a microarray dataset that annotated gene expression levels and a proteomics dataset that identified protein interactions, how could you jointly use both datasets to identify markers … Read more

Week 5

Maleah Gilliard: The neurological disease I will be discussing this week is amnesia. Amnesia is a memory disorder where those who suffer from it  have trouble remembering recent events, creating new memories, or both. Though similar, amnesia and dementia are not the same. In addition to the types of amnesia presented  in the text (retrograde, … Read more

Supermodelka złamała zasadę miłości Leonarda DiCaprio

  12 września światowe media opublikowały informację o randkach Gigi Hadid i Leonardo DiCaprio. Wólka Kosowska Hurtownie Para gwiazd przyciągnęła uwagę paparazzi, gdy pochylali głowy po tym, jak Gigi Hadid uczestniczyła w New York Fashion Week. Później bliskie jej źródło potwierdziło, że supermodelka i Leonardo DiCaprio poważnie się spotykają i że ich związek powoli się rozwija. … Read more

Moda – Szacunek dla siebie i innych

  Moda – Szacunek dla siebie i innych „To, co nosisz, to sposób, w jaki prezentujesz się światu, zwłaszcza dzisiaj, kiedy kontakt z ludźmi jest tak szybki. Moda to natychmiastowy język.” — Miuccia Pradah Podobnie jak w dzisiejszym życiu rozwojowym Hurtownie Wólka Kosowska, połączenie między ludźmi jest szybsze niż kiedykolwiek. Dlatego dobre przygotowanie w każdym … Read more

COVID-19 pandemic

   This application exercise MUST apply content presented in UNIT 1(lecture1-4) of the course, no exceptions! The goal of each application exercise is to consider how course content from the respective unit can be applied to any public health crisis or challenge, past or present, in order to inform our understanding of it. You could … Read more

Self-Development Courses by Donna Piromalli

  Every amazing success begins with a decision, and only you have the decision to create a life you love. I am with you every step of the way, and what you will learn in my self-development courses are the principles that I have personally used to build my dream personal and professional life. Your … Read more

Lab Assignment: Differential Diagnosis for Skin Conditions

Choose one skin condition graphic (identify by number in your Chief Complaint) to document your assignment in the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) note format rather than the traditional narrative style. Refer to Chapter 2 of the Sullivan text and the Comprehensive SOAP Template in this week’s Learning Resources for guidance. Remember that not … Read more


   textbook, and the DSM-5, as needed to support your understanding. Schizophrenia Ashton is a 21-year-old single Caucasian male who is a college student at the local university. Ashton wore unmatched clothes and had a strong body odor, his shirts had armpit stains and looked like they had been worn several times without being washed. … Read more

Organizational Structure

   Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Evaluate creative and innovative organizational structures Recommend alternative innovations to solve an internal or market need Implement creative and innovative processes within an organization Scenario You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and … Read more

Zika virus

  Research the key characteristics of the Zika virus in a one to two pages Include the hallmarks of a Zika infection in many different demographics of human hosts Determine if Zika is unique in pathogenesis or if there are other viruses like it If so, include what they are they and what can we … Read more