The use of playbooks is very common in sports. They can also serve very important purposes in business—as a user manual that outlines knowledge needed so anyone on your team can help ensure business continuity. But most importantly, security playbooks can keep your business running smoothly if a business experiences attacks or intrusions that can … Read more


   1. Create a presentation PowerPoint and record yourself on at least one application for dynamic programming. Make sure to give specific details of the algorithm and analyze the worst case time complexity. 4 slide excluding introduction. Give every details in powerpoint and as well as in note section.

Web Application

I have implemented the web application for that you need to implement the Email multifactor authentication. And need to implement the registration form and login functionality from the data base. You can use Xamp/ wamp server and need a video of execution from you that it

standards and milestones week 4

 Directions: Define the standards you will use, and define a milestone for Week 6 that will let you know if you are on track. This should be some functionality or progress that you want to have completed by that time.  Note:  You should have your detailed design and your schedule, and have established that any … Read more

Management case

I want a case study research on ELITE EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ELKHART EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS): 550,000 PATIENTS  Conduct research to capture the organization’s infrastructure and processes and the threats to personal health information (PHI) and to determine a strategy to mitigate the threats you anticipate.


Project Description: Note: Please record a video demo of the bonus feature and include it in the submission. The demo can cover how the bonus feature is working in the dashboard and show the code you used to implement the feature. Implement an additional feature that will be useful to the users of the farm … Read more

2019 Access / Database

 To complete the project, you will submit the final version of your database. Before you begin work on your database, make sure to review your instructor’s feedback on the original Client Request Worksheet, making any necessary changes. Once your Client Request is finalized, review the CIS 225 Project Guidelines and begin constructing your database. Note: … Read more

Capture the Flag (CTF) Solution Presentation

 Your PowerPoint should contain 10-15 slides. You can use Microsoft Teams to record the audio narration of your PowerPoint presentation (preferred). You can then share the Microsoft Teams recording link with your teammates, instructor, and the entire class in the week 8 discussion. You could also add this Microsoft Teams recording link to your resume as a portfolio item.Please cover the … Read more

Write a Java program that displays all 4-character strings in lexicographic order (also called dictionary order) on the screen. It must display a string of 4 characters per line. Only the characters a, b, c, d are allowed within character strings

Write a Java program that displays all 4-character strings in lexicographic order (also called dictionary order) on the screen. It must display a string of 4 characters per line. Only the characters a, b, c, d are allowed within character strings