
 Topic: Pro: Gun control  write a 700-1000 word (word count does NOT include Cover page, Abstract, or Reference pages) Argumentative essay Remember emotion has no room in this essay. Stick to the facts to support your argument. You must include aspects of personal responsibility and decision-making in the choices of your argumentative topic. In your essay, … Read more


Instructions for the Major Paper Assignment   Your major will in part come from the Week One lesson.  However other lessons will be incorporated as you work on the paper. Last week we were introduced to the definition of leadership from a communication perspective.  The communication perspective of leadership focuses on the communication style of … Read more


1 Concept Essay (Midterm) Assignment: ENGL 443/WGST 301 (Fall 2022) Fundamentals: ✓ Your completed essay is due to your instructor via email by 8:30pm, Eastern, on October 30, 2022. Late submissions will not be accepted, unless approved by me by noon on October 27, 2022. Early submissions are welcome. You must email your essay to … Read more