week 10 jr

When asked about the secret to his success, Coach often stresses the importance of following a good game plan. A game plan helps you focus on your purpose and goals so that you can be sure you stay on track. Throughout this course, you have been working to identify some of the individual components of … Read more

week 10 jr

 Now, think of a leader or presenter whose communication has made an impact on you. (Maybe it’s a politician, a teacher, a coach, or a boss.) What communication techniques does this person use? Is there a particular technique you’ve learned this week that you would like to use in the future? 

week 10 bus

1.In your opinion, what is one of the most pressing and significant concerns facing communities today that a business might have a responsibility to consider?  2.Why do you think so and what is the responsibility of the business? Remember to support your response using SWS formatted in-text and source list citations. 


 Developing as a professional and as a leader is a lifelong journey that requires careful reflection, concentrated attention, and dedication to learning not only who you are currently as a leader, but what your leadership goals are. This process requires taking careful inventory of your values and guiding principles, as well as learning about your … Read more


  Discussion Question: Discuss the process of writing text-dependent questions.  How can you ensure that your questions really are text-dependent and require students to reflect deeply on what they’ve read?  

Discusión grupal módulo 2

Argumenta sobre lo siguiente: “Como científico trabajo en numerosos proyectos de avanzada. La manipulación genética es una de las especialidades de nuestro laboratorio de investigación. Hay diversos organismos internacionales interesado en nuestros avances y están dispuestos a pagar muy bien nuestros esfuerzos. Sé que en todo esto hay tantos riesgos como beneficios.. pero la ciencia … Read more

Edu 599 week 10 assignment

In this capstone project, you will create a unit of K–12 or adult curriculum to address a significant issue in education. Review the checklist (K–12 or Adult) provided in Week 7 to guide you in developing your unit of curriculum.Lay the ground for your unit of K–12 or adult curriculum by explaining the educational issue … Read more

Edu 599 week 10

Reflect on future trends in K–12 or Adult Education that will likely have an impact on your career. Describe one of these trends and discuss why it might be an issue worthy of discussion in the future.

Asmt 4

You work for an infant/child development center and you have been asked to prepare a power point presentation for new parents, which would address the following: A review of current research on brain development in infancy and childhood, with a focus on the importance of appropriate stimulation during the first six years of life (3 … Read more