Understanding the research approval process

Determine what the process is for conducting research in your district/organization and describe it here (not Nova Southeastern University’s process, but your organization’s process). Then discuss how your study aligns/does not align with the requirements. If it does not align, please identify other research approaches. Additionally, please think about any potential issues you may have (e.g., gaining … Read more

8084M0D4 DISCU

   Though data inform action, they do not necessarily equal action. Why? If data indicate clear strategies or initiatives that can address the needs of young children, their families, or early childhood professionals, why is immediate action not taken? Likewise, why do reliable evaluation results not yield necessary change?

Sexual Education

Teaching sex education can be challenging because of the breadth and range of possible topics, especially at higher grade levels. Review the following topics and write a paragraph long reflection for each topic, which includes (1) how comfortable you feel discussing each topic and (2) how you can prepare yourself to teach each area. ◆ … Read more

Developing Relationships

 Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion | TED Talk   ECE201: Jose and Olivia (bridgepointeducation.com)  Select week 2 only  University of Arizona Global Campus: Challenging Behavior in Young Children (vitalsource.com)  Textbook for chapter 5 above link sign in is [email protected] Jacob#2002 Please use all links for this assignment


  Directions: Each student is required to develop a PowerPoint for chapters 16 & 17 in the Creswell textbook.  Students are encouraged to be creative and include Video-links to their Power-Points. DO NOT JUST COPY what is on the Book – Look for other sources. Make sure your PowerPoint includes a reflection on the following guiding questions: Connections: What connections do you … Read more

Models of Professional Development

  Effective professional development opportunities can provide learners with the tools they need for personal and professional growth and to continue to be lifelong learners. Professional development models provide frameworks for creating effective instruction and training for educators. Select five professional development models and create a graphic organizer describing and comparing them. Include the following: … Read more

EP004 Assessment

Part I Review the “NAEYC’s Early Childhood Program Standards and Accreditation Criteria” (Document #3) and the “NAEYC Engaging Diverse Families Project Program Self-Assessment Checklist” (Document #4) provided as part of this Work Product. In 1-2 pages Explain the purpose of the “NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards and Accreditation Criteria” and the importance of using them … Read more

Dignity Board

  After reading the article, think about how you can make and include a dignity board in your own classroom. It does not have to be titled “Dignity Board” but must meet the requirements of one. How you name it and present it will depend on which age group you are working with. Using the … Read more

8210 Dis. Wk9

This Discussion assists in solidifying your understanding of statistical testing by engaging in some data analysis. This week you will work with a real, secondary dataset to construct a research question, estimate a multiple regression model, and interpret the results. Whether in a scholarly or practitioner setting, good research and data analysis should have the … Read more


Part 1:  For our discussion this week, choose oneof the following topics below to express your opinion about.  Please look up these topics in your book and use any factual evidence that you find to back up your thoughts so that you can make an informed argument for your opinion.  Please include the question you … Read more