
In general, how can the U.S. (where individuals generate 5 pounds of waste per day) address the waste issue? Nuclear weapons testing released nuclear radiation into the environment. These tests have always been justified as necessary for national security. Do you agree with this? What are the risks? What are the benefits?


The Best Contraceptives? It has been said that in nations seeking to reduce their population growth rate, a combination of sustainable economic development along with improved educational and socio-economic opportunities for women are the best “contraceptives” (i.e. ways to reduce a woman’s total fertility rate; don’t know this term? Look it up before posting). A. … Read more

define key terms

Write answers to (5) of the following (9) key terms.  A full paragraph is sufficient as you explain the concept(s) and show how they are important to understanding globalization.   1) Nationalism 2) Multilateralism AND bilateralism 3) Borders 4) Bretton Woods system 5) Danger of a single story (Adichie) 6) Free trade 7) Paris Climate … Read more

Soil and Agriculture

Scan the questions below, then review the EnvSci text (Ch7), and WATCH “Kiss the ground” (Password: school). View the rubric and answer the questions in the fields below by “clicking or tapping to enter text”. Save this file as a .docx and upload to the correct Exploration Activity submission location. https://bigpictureranch.vids.io/videos/119ddcb71c12e9ce98/kiss-the-ground-for-schools password to documentary: school  … Read more

Sustainability Assignment

 Write a pa per in APA format using a minimum of 700 words excluding cover, reference page and any appendices to address the following. A minimum of five reliable sources are required (see Note below).    Perform preliminary research and select a product you have an interest in performing a Life Cycle Analysis on. The … Read more


1 -2 PG Explain if polls are an accurate assessment of public opinion. Cite a recent poll to support your claim. How can polls sway public opinion? Does the overabundance of accessible information lead to inaccurate polls? Why or why not? Sites