Discussion Board… 8 Sentences

Forensic anthropology is a branch of applied anthropology, in which experts use their knowledge of the human body to identify dead individuals. Forensic anthropologists often work with law enforcement agencies, identifying murder victims or unknown individuals. Archaeologists will use these same practices in a field called bioarchaeology, to identify how people lived and died in the past. … Read more

Reading Assignment

The name of the book is  Stutz, Frederic P. and Barney Warf. The World Economy: Resources, Location, Trade, and Development. 6thth ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0321722508 (No previous editions allowed). . Please read fhe guidelines provided in the file below


the importance of the Tunguska and Chelyabinsk meteor events in understanding the threats posed to Earth from large pieces of space debris, along with a discussion of large impact events in Earth’s history.  

Globalization and industrialization and how different industries have impacted the global economy.

   Analyze globalization and industrialization and how different industries have impacted the global economy through the history and humanities lenses, and address the following:  · How does this issue/event interact with the history lens and impact social issues?  · In what ways does the history lens help articulate a deeper understanding of the global issue(s) … Read more


 Question 1: Estimate the mass of food and water that a team of six astronauts would need for a standard two-year mission to Mars. (Note: the two years includes the round trip.)Question 2: Estimate how long it would take to drive from Los Angeles to New York City.Question 3: Estimate the number of apples produced … Read more

I need help choosing one

Identify a global societal issue from the following list t Climate change Pollution Religious conflict and violence Rise of artificial intelligence Lack of education Unemployment and lack of economic opportunity Government accountability and corruption Food and water security International drug trafficking Poverty and income inequality

This week’s Learning Resources focus on plate tectonics, the ever-active colliding plates of the Earth’s surface whose mov

  This week’s Learning Resources focus on plate tectonics, the ever-active colliding plates of the Earth’s surface whose movements form mountains, cause earthquakes, fuel volcanic eruptions, and thus, shape the physical environment around us. Consider the geography where you live. Are mountains tall, short, jagged, or smooth? Or are there none at all? Consider as … Read more


Please answer these questions with a small easy answer nothing complicated.(PLEASE MAKE IT EASY AND SHORT) (VIDEO) https://vodp.ccctechconnect.org/u_8845/cccv_116076_8845_Mod3_Activity_1_supplemental.mp4?Expires=1650835070&Signature=gtM2vnClojLtBKL4o6W-f39g1avUqMJVJxgfTAzVaUzuBNS9djODXW~wNZUg7c34UX6XBef9dVhX6pZ6teK6lFjgJZqvpb6MAWVjsRUikRzc3HSz4cc-TDk46XTHAtY6TL6xKrhHyPBs5u6BeLDo6q~bTPbj1cXB52OTLJ49cJCgvYkhierZQ06g2fYmvb8OE-40i5xZtKHOuA59wHqQz3FmZyZurtC76SOIYCSXsuy0ouN8tufudbiKu2a1r5jlfCdSwcvZNeHsGoxnqSBlxCGVGIp8dwQpu1bO8YPusrd6sqEoiGIWKIU5M4uy7BnLZNOwo83fhhxwuhJ1YGvahA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIR7VYIEITVMHBTJQ Now set parameters for Mars and click OK. In the lower-right corner of the simulator, check these two boxes: show solar system orbits label the solar system orbits 1.If you drag the eccentricity slider, you’ll create a … Read more