75-150 Word Discussion Response (American Government)

 The president and Congress must work together to have an impact on the economy. “Economic growth is a long-term measure of prosperity, and no one President can single-handedly create an environment the promotes sustained economic growth. Future economic growth requires investment in technology, machines and equipment, and human capital today,” (Babb, 2020). The Congress which … Read more

Activity: A Policy You Would Change

Week 9 Assignment – Activity: A Policy You Would Change Introduction If you could change any U.S. domestic policy today, what would it be? For this activity, choose a policy you would like to change, submit a one-paragraph explanation of the policy you would like to change, and identify three references to support this policy … Read more

The Memphis Economy

1. The book talks about two types of agglomerative economics: localization and urbanization economics. For a restaurant in Overton Square, would that location be a benefit primarily because of localization or urbanization economics. 2. One of the reasons for agglomerative economies is reduced search cost. Please provide two examples of businesses or other institutions in … Read more

Blog Post on a Recent Article

Imagine you are a political writer with your own blog. You write about current events and what they mean for the U.S. government and its citizens. You have been asked to write a blog post of 2-3 typed pages about an event from the last 3 months involving U.S. political issues or policies. Instructions Step … Read more

DQ1 and 2 At 150 w0rds for $4 ASAP

  DQ1 Describe the process of data cleansing, or data cleaning, and explain why this process is important. Dq2 Select a registry in your state. Discuss what they collect, how often they report and how this data could be used to inform changes in public health improvements and outcomes.

50-100 Word Discussion response

 What influence does public opinion have on health care policy? There seems to be a bit of the tail wagging the dog on this issue.  Politicians have known that if you promise to give people “free” things and money, people are greedy enough to take them and foolish enough to believe that its all free.  … Read more

50-100 Word Discussion response

 Healthcare in the United States will always make news. Public opinion play an important role because representatives receive feedback on ideas that can impact their communities. If a majority of the public do not like a healthcare policy, most lawmakers will not bring up as a bill and it will be hard to pass both … Read more