power point slides on African ethnic group

Do a power point slide project of an African ethnic group in an African country-23 slides are required at least. 5 slides on ethnic groups , others must be on the nation flag, the map, location of the country, slides showing traditional and modern architecture, traditional food, dance, and music and slides on landscape and … Read more


Part 1: One page on the movie White Zombie (1932). Feel free to explore any aspect of it you want to write about – likes, dislikes, etc  Part 2: One-page review of the movie (The Walking Dead) that discusses why this movie is or isn’t really a zombie movie  Part 3: Half a page explain … Read more

Listening Style History Writing Tips

 Listening Style Listening is essential in any form of correspondence. A communicator must choose to be conscious, assuming the person they’re talking with comprehends what they are speaking approximately. Contingent upon the placing of the situation, the form of listening should likewise be taken into consideration to extra effectively healthy the situation. There are four … Read more

Current Event Journal Assignment U3-4

Hamby, A.L., Neely, M.S. & Clack, G. (2009). Outline of U.S. history. New York: Nova Science Publishers.  Chapter 8: Growth and Transformation, pp. 125-130 Read the following sections: Ambivalent Empire: The Canals & the Americas, United States and Asia Chapter 10: War, Prosperity, and Depression, pp. 141-144 Read the following sections: War and Neutral Rights, United States … Read more

American Cuisine

Please write 350-500 words, on the following:  Topic: Describe the differences between the cuisines of northern and southern United States. What factors account for the differences in the cuisines of these two areas, broadly. Your answer should include a discussion the history and geography of these regions, as well as discussion of influential individuals.

Lysistrata question

Lysistrata question: The battle between men and women is timeless. Consider how the battle of the sexes has changed from when Aristophanes wrote the play and now. What is your impression of Lysistrata? Is she a likeable character? Why/why not? Do you believe that her plan makes her a hero? To end this prompt on … Read more

history homework

From the lecture about the Native Americans, this Betty Bob cartoon depicts the natives in a very negative way. Based in the fallowing list of tropes, just write how Betty Boop is personified and the natives in the cartoon using the list I’ve provided. For example  Betty Boop Personified as a Human, etc.  Native Americans … Read more

The History of Flow Charts

 Definition, Use and Importance A flowchart is a drawing of the order of movements that represents a process, system, or computer encryption sequentially. Each stage in the procedure is depicted by a distinctive diagram and contains a brief explanation of the procedure. Moreover, the images connect with arrows indicating the process flow. People use flow … Read more

African Tradition

point out the following  1. rites of passage, coming of men or women hood (mask wearing, initiation, birth, death and after life rites/ ceremonies , give examples. 2 give the main mode of production / living , farming , pastoral life or hunter / gatherer 3. give examples of political life kings , elders, egalitarian … Read more