Explain growth chart: what it is and how it’s  used to track a child’s growth over time. Discuss the height for the age and weight for age percentiles explaining what they mean. Discuss BMI: Explain what BMI is and how it’s calculated. Discuss the child’s BMI and it’s percentile explaining what this means interms … Read more

GCU Doctrinal Statement

 After reading the GCU Doctrinal Statement and Christian Identity and Heritage, how do you think GCU’s Christian heritage makes the GCU academic experience different then at a non-faith-based university? What value will this difference add to your educational experience? 

Technology in special education

  Why do you think it is essential to understand all of the roles and responsibilities of a special educator? Why is technology in special education important to understand? What is one technology you might use regularly in your own class?

power point slides on African ethnic group

Do a power point slide project of an African ethnic group in an African country-23 slides are required at least. 5 slides on ethnic groups , others must be on the nation flag, the map, location of the country, slides showing traditional and modern architecture, traditional food, dance, and music and slides on landscape and … Read more

Final Internal Business

  The purpose of this assignment is to finalize an internal business proposal that outlines how you will implement the solution to the problem you have identified in your organization. Throughout the course, you have completed most of the necessary research and assignments needed to generate the final business proposal. Refer to the “Business Proposal … Read more

Final Business Proposal

  As you are completing your final business proposal, consider the outcome for your proposal. Discuss the key indicators you would use to determine if your proposal was a success. This does not necessarily include the success of the solution, but how you would determine your own success in delivering an effective business proposal. In … Read more


  The purpose of this assignment is to draft an internal business proposal presentation to share with organization personnel you would like to have sponsor or support you in the implementation of the problem solution you have suggested. You will do this by creating a PowerPoint presentation and filming yourself giving the presentation. Using Loom, … Read more


  In the textbook reading from Business Communication Today, you learned about the importance of audience analysis when making a presentation. In the study material, “Selling Yourself and Your Ideas to Senior Management,” there are tips about making effective presentations geared to your audience. Think about your skills as a presenter and identify two key … Read more

Organization Implementation

  The purpose of this assignment is to explain how you will evaluate and measure the success of the problem solution you intend to implement in the organization. This solution evaluation process will be used to determine the potential success of your implemented solution. Success can be measured using both qualitative and quantitative methods, therefore … Read more


  The purpose of this assignment is to clearly articulate the specific strategies and methods that will be utilized to manage the organizational changes associated with implementing the problem solution you have selected. Review the “Change Management Models Matrix” and other study materials to identify which change model you will utilize to manage organizational change. … Read more