1300 MIS MOD 4 DB

 This PDF ( https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2110101) has 5 suggestions on how to make your use of Excel charts. Create a 6th suggestion on how to use Excel to make charts and walk through the proposed process (it doesn’t need to be as pretty, but it does need to be clear and helpful). 

block chain

. What are the success factors in the Scotiabank-Kabbage partnership? 2. Under what conditions is the same model applicable?When will the Scotiabank-Kabbage model not work? 3. Under what circumstances should Scotiabank seek fintech partnerships? 4. Identify a sector (e.g., international payments, blockchain, lending or wealth management) and a geographic market where a fintech partnership would … Read more

block chain

 implications for voting, lotteries, certificate issuance, security auditing and enterprise. Discuss the impact on blockchain finance and how these functions will accelerate basic functions.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

 Bring your own device (BYOD) is a trend towards allowing employee-owned mobile computing devices, especially smartphones, to access enterprise networks, systems, and data. For this discussion, explore the relative advantages and disadvantages of BYOD, particularly as it relates to mobile device management and securing the confidentiality and integrity of proprietary enterprise data. Ideally, you will … Read more

Mental Health IP

   Topic 2: Cultural Misconceptions and Public Stigma About Mental Illness Al-Rawashdeh, A. B., Alnjadat, R. M., Younis, M. B., Rayan, A., Harb, A., & Al-Aaraj, H. (2021). Cultural misconceptions and public stigma about mental illness. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 15(2), 1873–1878. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v15i2.14615


Delirium and Brief Psychotic Disorder Compare and contrast delirium with brief psychotic disorder. For this discussion, you will need to place particular emphasis on how comprehensive assessment could help the PMHNP to arrive at the correct diagnosis for the adult/geriatric patient.

Data Analytics Software

  SAS, R, and Python are three of the most commonly used software to perform data analytics. Compare and contrast the pros and cons for using each. Explain why you would or would not use each for your data analytics. The following resources will help you complete the discussion for this week. Python. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.python.org/ … Read more

Tools And Practice, Diving In

Respond to one of the following discussion prompts. What are your thoughts on the tools of sociology (perspective, theories, concepts, methods) and their impact on sociological practice?  Discuss the applied sociological enterprise in the information age and the role played by applied sociologists and basic researchers. 


Go the Texas Republican & Democratic party platforms (the links for both of them are listed below) and let me know one thing you agree with and one thing you disagree with for both parties. Please use the following format. Texas Republican Party Platform agree: Texas Republican Party Platform disagree: Texas Democratic Party Platform agree: … Read more