AI & Chip Architecture

What is artificial intelligence and why do we need it in our chipsets? How will AI change the way chips are designed and manufactured? How will the architecture of modern chips be changed by artificial intelligence? What challenges must chipmakers overcome to incorporate AI into their products? How will consumers benefit from this technological advancement? … Read more


 READ THESE three student responses to the original question you need to answer each student SEPERATELY – this is for discussion participation credit- just give your opinion- per student- did you like what they posted and why or did you not agree and why but this is purely your opinion with a reference for EACH … Read more

Inequity And Bias Within The School/District

Write a  reflection on the root causes of inequity and bias within the school / district. Use resources provided. Resources:

school hiring policies and procedures aligning with equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practices

Provide an analysis of the school hiring policies and procedures aligned with equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practices Resources:

Blog 2

Create a second blog entry (Professional Blog Exercise 2). Using the feedback you got form your first blog, create a second blog on a topic of your interest. Be sure to review “Creating a Professional Blog” and “Blog Best Practices” from Chapter 7 of your textbook and apply the “Five Journalistic Ws” to your blog.  … Read more

Respond to Mike Post

 In my opinion, I think judges should not be allowed discretion in sentencing while serving their duty in court. one person should not decide the verdict which will have heavy implications on someone’s livelihood. Judges are one of the most respectable and knowledgeable people in the quart room, and I believe they should hold a … Read more

Informal letter proposal

Select an overall topic area (accounting, Finance, General business, Human Resources, Information Systems, Management or Marketing) Select your topic using the CHOICE in Unit 3.  Your Instructor will then assign you a case based on that topic.  Create an Informal Letter Proposal based on the case provided by your instructor.  I chose Finance! Prepare a … Read more

Issues Justice System IND Project

  For this assignment, you will interview a law enforcement officer regarding his or her views about accepting gratuities.  During the interview with the officer, you will discuss the following topics related to gratuities: Determine from the officer the department’s official policy related to gratuities, and relate how strictly that policy is enforced. Discuss any … Read more


  You are recently hired as an intern to the recently promoted police chief in a medium-sized town with a rather modest budget for law enforcement equipment. One of her primary goals is to seek an increase in the budget for those technological items that she feels would help your department’s officers perform their jobs … Read more


knowing how to work with the numbers in a company’s financial statements is an essential skill for financial managers. In this part of the course project assignment, explain the Disney’s financial statements.