Unit 6 Assignment: Managerial Decision-Making

During the presentation of each project, the manager of A appears to be arrogant, and also mentions that the CEO of the company and he frequently play golf and have dinner after work. In considering each of the project’s presentations, you find that you are leaning much more closely to Project A, despite both projects … Read more

Human Behaviour in Organization-week 2 Assignment

  PURPOSE OF THE ASSIGNMENT: To acquaint you with common behavioral analysis tools by using them to break down and view your organization in smaller elements and discover how each element can influence you individually and your organization as a whole.  Read through this assignment(Work Place Analysis 2 Doc-Attached), then read the assigned articles and watch … Read more

week 5 question

  A potential client wants you to be the project manager for a project that involves moving to a new computerized human resources management system that supports the firm’s functions such as staffing, compensation, employee relations, and benefits. The client is very vague about what needs to be done, and all they know is that they … Read more

Ethical Issue debate-SUPPORT using taxpayer dollars to provide free medical care to people entering the U.S. illegally.

  The video should be 4-5 minutes long and address the topic and viewpoint you were assigned.  You may not be personally in support or opposition of the topic, however it is your job to convince your peers of your position. Include evidence that supports the viewpoint. Include an introduction to the issue, your stance, … Read more

Key Skills for Consultants

 For your Week 3 IP, you will complete a case study analysis. Select a company that recently used a consultant for a case study. Use the case study to analyze the consulting process. Include responses to the following questions in your case study analysis: What was the identified organizational problem? What was the scope of … Read more

Power point

the neurologic system . You will need to cover the pathophysiology of CVA/Stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and headaches. Please use resources no older than 5 years.


In our work and personal lives, we need to be able to identify and analyze effective verbal and nonverbal communication in various situations. In the same way that you would analyze a work or personal life communication situation, you will be asked to create a short presentation (using media choices below) about the nonverbal communication … Read more


Initial Post: Toddlers have behavioral characteristics that often present challenging situations for parents and/or caregivers. Describe challenges parents and/or caregivers would encounter with these specific characteristics. Temperament Nutritional Barriers Hygiene, Activity Sleep