
  Be sure to include the following information  The setting of the assessment being covered (What kind of school, who is taking it?) The aspect of assessment the article is covering (is it the development of the assessment, the results, how students react to assessments, etc..) What the author(s) hypothesis was, or what they wanted … Read more


  Explain how the pathophysiology of this disease process impacts population health. Discuss your role as an advanced practice nurse in education, administration, or informatics in mitigating the morbidity of this disease process. Identify two healthcare professions or organizations with whom you will collaborate to decrease community morbidity for this disease process. Formulate a plan … Read more

week 3

Read about The Ethics of Global Drug Pricing, in the textbook: Part I Cases. Please respond to the following: What conclusions can you draw from the outcome of equitable and ethical drug pricing parameters? What could pharmaceutical companies have done differently to create a positive outcome for developing countries? Justify your response.

LDRCB/535: Leading Change

  Have you ever experienced or learned about a company that needed changes in its culture? In this assessment, you’ll create a presentation that proposes cultural changes for an organization.  Consider a past or current professional experience where a culture change was needed. You can use the outline you completed in the Assessment Prep activity … Read more


I have attached the work sheet and what we covered this week  Knewton  Week 3: Measures of Central TendencyJan 2610 pts Week 3: Understanding Measures of Central TendencyJan 2610 pts Week 3: Distribution ShapeJan 2610 pts Week 3: Standard DeviationJan 2610 pts Week 3: Quartiles and Box PlotsJan 2610 pts

Branding Strategies

  Please respond to the following: You are working for a health care organization that is starting a new service. You will be part of the roll-out for a new app that allows patients to access personalized health advice 24/7. What are some realistic branding strategies you could use to evaluate the new service? Be … Read more

Asssigment part 2 part one attached

   Part 2Literature Review  Begin by describing which databases you searched, search terms you used related to your topic, how you narrowed your search, how you selected those references you will discuss in this section. Summary of Article This section should discuss at least 5 articles/peer reviews on the topic. The content of this section … Read more

neural networks that computes the XOR

  Project 2: neural networks that computes the XOR Construct by hand a neural network that computes the XOR function of two inputs. Make sure to specify what sort of units you are using. Show how to build neural network with no hidden layer to implement XOR. If this is not possible, explain why that … Read more

Activation Function

Suppose you had a neural network with linear activation functions. That is, for each unit the output is some constant c times the weighted sum of the inputs.  Assume that the network has one hidden layer. For a given assignment to the weights w, write down equations for the value of the units in the … Read more