
Using the info from Wikipedia, compare/contrast the demographics of your district with your personal background. Be sure to include a comparison/contrast of your personal background (what you said in section 1A) with your district. Also, compare/contrast your ideology with your district. (Note: For ideology you will use the Cook PVI score to make a comparison. … Read more

Big Data

No AI tools must be used. If I find them using then I will ask for refund. Write questions in different document and API format is must and should.  for more work plz contact me.  Thanks

for anyone need it today

Pick from one of the topic “A Celebration of Our Grandfathers” or “On Summer” and write a well-organized paragraph in which you analyze how (author of the work) uses various literacy techniques to convey the meaning of (title of the work)

Crisis Response

  To Prepare: Review the Roles, Responsibilities, and Self-care of Crisis Responders media program found in the Learning Resources and consider the roles and responsibilities of a professional counselor during a crisis. Create a section in your Crisis Response Portfolio called “Roles and Responsibilities” . In your section called “Roles and Responsibilities” of your Crisis … Read more

hire vue developers

    How to Hire Vue.JS Developers in 2023 That is, the developer on Vue.js – is a specialist who deals with frontend-development. He makes the external interface of the site, online store, web application or service with which the user contacts read more  

Grievance Process Presentation

  Grievance Process Presentation Instructions Imagine that you are the labor relations manager for a company that has entered into the grievance process with a number of employees who dispute recent disciplinary action taken against them. Your role is to prepare the necessary documents, schedule the meetings, and notify the appropriate staff and union officials … Read more


 Concentrate on the subject of honesty in law enforcement. Understanding of how difficult topics are handled compared to how they should be handled, I choose to focus on this particular topic. 


 One administrative role that’s rarely discussed is that of the court administrator. A court administrator manages the daily operations of a federal, state, or local courthouse. Standard job duties include, but are not limited to, acting as the court liaison, managing the court’s budget, and having oversight over most court employees.  


 The overall path juveniles and adults take through the criminal justice system follow very similar paths. However, along the way, there are unique differences in how juveniles must be handled by criminal justice personnel to ensure their rights are protected. 


 READ THESE three student responses to the original question you need to answer each student SEPERATELY – this is for discussion participation credit- just give your opinion- per student- did you like what they posted and why or did you not agree and why but this is purely your opinion with a reference for EACH … Read more