
  Winning at Work: Perception Plays a Key Role in Getting a Job Impressions formed from information from social media can leave hiring managers with a bad impression of a job applicant. Potential employers may look at your social media presence prior to extending an offer of employment. Embarrassing photos and/or disrespectful language may hinder … Read more

Career Mentoring Program

  having completed the Career Mentoring Program, take time now to reflect on your experiences over the past 10 weeks. For this activity: do  A one PG summary of your career mentoring experiences, addressing one or more of these topics: career choice, job search strategies, resume or profile, networking, and lessons learned. Did you solidify … Read more

Cost Estimation and Profit Planning

Submit a thread of 500 – 650 words directly addressing Cost Estimation and Profit Planning. In your threads, synthesize course material and demonstrate critical thinking, graduate-level writing skills, and reflection.  Cite the textbooks (attached) and at least 3 scholarly articles from professional accounting and business journals.  In your presentation, place the primary focus … Read more

Information System Management

 Recently, a terminated employee used his mobile device to log into the company network and steal sensitive data. As the manager of the information technology (IT) security department, you were asked by your boss to present a summary of what the organization should do to prevent this from happening again. Create a PowerPoint presentation of … Read more

Information System Management

Safeguards against security threats. Do you use any of these in your personal life or at work? If so, explain how these safeguards help to ensure information security in your home or at work. If not, do you feel like the systems are adequately protected? Should any safeguards be put into place? 200 words