Explain and discuss any one or some of the following

 Explain and discuss any one or some of the following: how you would handle documentation of another officer that was being overly aggressive resulting in an internal affairs investigation.  How different would the documentation (and your liability) be if you stepped in and stopped it versus looking the other way?  How do you think a … Read more

Write a synopsis of what occurred in the videos

 1. Watch the attached videos.   2. Write a synopsis of what occurred in the videos.  This is a writing assignment to practice your grammar, sentence structure, and “painting the picture.”  You can write it from any perspective you wish.  Please limit the synopsis to one page, single spaced.  You can attach your file as a … Read more

RESEARCH employee motivation

Submit your research paper assignment based on a specific public administration issue(EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION) Your research paper must be 8-10 pages (this does not include tables and figures), include 10 citations, 2 tables and or figures to convey key points, and the other items as outlined in the assignment instructions. Be sure to use the appropriate … Read more

criminal cases and due process individual project

The volume of criminal cases being tried across the United States, coupled with many agencies being understaffed, makes it challenging for agencies to stay current on legal issues. Recognizing the importance of staying current on legal issues, in this activity you will practice your research skills, while refining your presentation skills, by providing a summary … Read more

human trafficking discussion

  Article link: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/alabama-defendant-convicted-sex-trafficking-and-offenses-tied-scheme-compel-victims-including (Links to an external site.) 2. In this case, an individual in Alabama has been convicted of sex trafficking as well as schemes to compel victims including minors to engage in prostitution over the course of several years. Mitchell (the defendant) was found guilty of sex trafficking by force, deception, and coercion … Read more


Please research and share a current or recent Constitutional issue or case from the news headlines. Please briefly share the details of this issue with the class and discuss specifically which Amendments or sections of the Constitutions are at issue. Finally, how do you believe this issue should be handled from a Constitutional perspective; note that … Read more


Discuss the Daubert Standard and its impact on scientific evidence. 2. How can a forensic expert prepare for Voir Dire (qualifying an expert) and subsequent testimony? 3. What are the consequences of unethical behavior in the field of criminalistics? How do the issues surrounding today’s discussion on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) impact the field … Read more

Race and gender A2M1

Blog Directions: Do statistics, such as the one you looked at in the NCVS  and WISQARS, contribute meaningfully to conversations about race and crime? Take a screenshot of the data set you found most compelling and include it in this blog post(use the + button to insert an image from your device). What about this … Read more

Theories of Crime and Justice.

The documentary link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbax9v9N_bU  Short Response 1: In 1971, Philip Zimbardo’s The Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrated the power of the situation and the interaction between social interaction and social structure. After viewing the documentary, if you had been a guard, do you think you would have been more likely to go along with the other … Read more

Criminial Justice 622

 The Week 5 lesson in this course examined some external influences that might cause a juvenile to participate in delinquent activity. One of these external influences was associated with the interactions a juvenile engages in while attending school.