
  Imagine that while you have been enrolled in this course, you have realized there are no sustainability initiatives at the company you work for. You mentioned your interest in implementing a sustainability initiative for the company that demonstrates environmentally supportive practices that also make financial sense to the business. The chief executive officer likes … Read more


  Explore AHIMA’s website ( to find answers to the questions listed below. Submit the  as Microsoft Word document a Questions .1. When was AHIMA founded? 2. List the name changes that the association has undergone. In what year did the association change to what is today: the American Health Information Management Association? 3. Who is AHIMA’s current … Read more


  US Healthcare System  Compare the US healthcare system with any developed country (UK, Canada, Germany, France, etc.) and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the two systems. Your initial post comprising 350 or more words should have 2-3 credible sources all in APA format.

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  Outlining the public health financing process is an intuitive phase. Many public health officials start drafting the program budget along with the planning phase just to have some idea of the funding needed to support such a venture. Later, financial analysts are consulted to form a detailed plan of action and develop multiple financial … Read more

science question

Choose a science news article that highlights a current event or recent research related to electricity, magnetism, or electromagnetism. In searching for an appropriate article, the following online science news sources are suggested Science Daily (Links to an external site.) e! Science News  (Links to an external site.)  (Links to an external site.) Do not use reference websites such … Read more


EDS 1021 Week 2 Interactive Activity Energy Forms and Changes Objective Using a simulation, apply the scientific method to investigate how energy is transferred and changes from one form to another. Background Reading Before attempting the activity, read Chapters 3 and 4 of The Sciences. Completing the reading is important for you to be able … Read more

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  Analyzing and interpreting programs is another significant process of program evaluation. Conducting an evaluation means reviewing all sections starting with the introduction and background of the program to cultivate a detailed understanding of the program, then understanding the history and learning how it will affect the target population or community. Analyzing and interpreting the … Read more

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