Very often studying race and ethnic relations becomes the study of minorities as the social problem of the society. This assignment requires you to flip the topic. Write your analysis along these prompts:

What is whiteness according to the Commonwealth of Virginia Statutes? Provide a brief critique of the definition. Identify and explain 2 specific problems whiteness and/or white privilege present to minorities (pick any 2 groups of your choice) in the U.S.? Link your analysis to one scholarly article. It is important that you cite and … Read more

False Info and Scams

  After reading Chapter 7, look carefully at the graph on Media Bias. Then respond to the following questions. What conclusions can you draw from the graph? How does information literacy support critical thinking? How can you use critical thinking to avoid falling for false information? How can you use critical thinking to avoid … Read more

Discussion: Solution-Focused Model: Asking Questions

  Social workers who utilize the solution-focused model are mindful of how their conversations with their clients, families, groups, or even community members facilitate their thinking about solutions. The client is always the “expert,” and therefore social workers ask questions to explore how the client perceives the problem and situation. Social workers may use solution-focused … Read more

Discussion Board 2: Parents and Peers – NEED WITHIN 24 HRS BY OCTOBER 25TH 5:00 PM

What are the main barriers for children where there are parental issues (i.e. mental health, substance issues, etc.) in regards to attachment and socialization? Keeping in the mind the differences between rights and needs of children, what do you believe should be the rights of children inside of the family? Our society? The rights of … Read more

Transcribing Data

make up interviews  The topic is gym life and habits  For this first data exercise, you will transcribe one of the interviews you conducted for your project. You will only transcribe a 5 minute-section of the interview (if longer than 6 pages you can cut it at page 5). You will be using your learning … Read more

Capstone Draft

  Evaluation (1-2 pages)  Restatement of the intervention’s overall goal and identification of your indicators of progress toward achieving the goal. What methods would be used to evaluate the intervention (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, survey, focus groups, etc) and any research-validated instruments for measurement.


  For this week’s discussion forum, you will reflect on your progress through the capstone project.  Initial Post Prompt: In your video this week share one evaluation tool that you found, describing how it can be used in evaluation and why you did or did not include it in your project.

Field Log

  The field log provides a concrete means for the student to: Account for professional activity in the field placement Demonstrate professional development related to contracted learning experiences and the traditional-year competencies Reflect on professional growth and development Provide information that facilitates dialogue between the student and Field Supervisor Document for the Field Supervisor, concerns, … Read more