
story #1: The prescription of new generation story #2 : PAGES 53-57 Read section title: Rules  For Distinguishing the Normal from Pathological Write of social deviance and social control through each of the two readings above, and discussing it in light of the content of that particular article. Elaborate on the characteristics of … Read more

200 – 500 word discusion post example viewing the video, please respond to the following questions. You will notice that the assignment will touch on the material we covered previously. What would you do if, like Sandy Beck, your income suddenly dropped by two-thirds and you lost all your benefits? What sacrifices would you have to make? How different would it … Read more

Agency Identification

  You have been hired as a consultant for a hypothetical agency that provides prevention and intervention services to families or communities identified as high-risk for child abuse or neglect. You can use an agency you are familiar with or develop a description of an agency based on research or an Internet search.  *** BIG … Read more

memo 6

Each Wednesday you will turn in a reflection memo, with your personal reactions to the course material. You should use this exercise as an opportunity to integrate course material with your own life and experiences, and for you to give me feedback on how the course is going for you. The content of the memos … Read more


 Choose an advertisement on television, on the radio, on the Internet, or in print. Describe, deconstruct, and analyze the advertisement by answering the following items: 1) Where did you find the advertisement? 2) Briefly describe the scenario depicted in the advertisement. 3) What product is advertised? 4) Who is the audience for this advertisement? How … Read more


In the following 3 questions answered in about 150 words each. Symbols in Communication Campaigns What is a communication campaign? Provide at least one example of a current communication campaign and explain why you chose it. Are there symbols that come into play that really “make” the campaign? It is typical for most campaigns to … Read more

lorem, Ipusm

 students will select 3 out of the 10 to utilize for the following statistical application summary.  Students must submit the summaries (3) separately….one article per summary form…make sure to follow instructions as outlined on the attachment.   


Please describe the following in 2 pages or less: “Your County Manager has just gone to a federally sponsored program on getting volunteers to support the management and administrative side of disaster and recovery portions of emergency management. The Manager attended a seminar on a program called ‘Professional Volunteer Disaster Survey Team (PRO-V-DST)’ which had … Read more

Part D

 Course Project Part D: When applying for most Federal and State programs and grants you are required to submit a great deal of detailed information on your community. Much of this is developed from the community’s threat assessment and identification of critical infrastructures and key resources. This assignment will continue the research necessary for your … Read more

social inequality story to create a fact sheet, pamphlet, or infographic

Use the attached document of a social inequality story to create a fact sheet, pamphlet, or infographic.  PROJECT INFORMATION:  a.Identify the social inequality issue/theme discussed in the reading  b. Figure out if this issue is also in Gwinnett County or a neighboring county?  c. Create a fact sheet, pamphlet, or infographic about the issue.  d. … Read more