Week 2

Week 2   Instructions   Background This week, you will prepare a video presentation with a PowerPoint file. You will create your video presentation by using a video capturing tool located in D2L. To access the video capturing tool, follow the tutorial found in your Course Resources for this lesson.   Instructions Assume that you … Read more

Week 2

All questions are worth 20 points: Discuss whether you feel that some types of media (films, books, electronic video games, for example) are more criminogenic than others or whether some content is more dangerous than other content. Discuss the differences between cultures that appear to have large amounts of criminogenic media but small levels of … Read more

Week 2

This week, reflect on your level of preparedness for the national board certification exam (PMNC-PMHNP) on psychiatric. Develop a strategy for board preparation and time management utilizing the prompts below. Respond to the questions below in complete sentences. Discuss at least 3 realistic and attainable strategies that you would implement to prepare for the national … Read more

Week 2

Locate peer-reviewed research articles that use educational theories as a theoretical foundation Construct a chart based on the articles that incorporate the following: Description of the commonalities among the three research articles. Description of the differences among the three research articles. The recurring themes in the three research articles. Create a written summary of the … Read more

Week 2

A 5 year old child and her mother present to your clinic. The mother reports that the child has had a cough and sounds “wheezy” for the last 2 days. She states that the child always gets like this when she is sick. She also reports that the child has been complaining that her right … Read more

Week 2

Assignment 2 Write a 5-page paper that provides: 1. A summative description of Transformational Leadership 2. A discussion about the associations (connections) between Transformational Leadership and Covey’s Principle-Centered Leadership model. 3. A discussion about the role of ethics in leadership styles. 4. A discussion about your perceptions of ethics in leadership. 5. A description of … Read more

Week 2

1. How would you explain the lawmaking structure of the United States to someone totally unfamiliar with the Constitution? Specifically, what is federalism and why does it create fifty-two lawmaking jurisdictions in the United States 2. After reading the opinion Duncan v. Louisiana, 88 S. Ct. 1444, https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/391/145/ (1968), explain the following: Which Constitutional amendment is … Read more

Week 2

Think back to your grade school days and the kinds of students who were disciplined in some way (e.g., sent to the office, given detention, suspended, expelled). Pinpoint a student or a group of students who fits that description. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Describe the student(s) and the behavior(s) … Read more

Week 2

Instructions Disorders and Treatment Each disorder or injury on the topic list in Week 1 Assignment 3 involves some process of brain damage or chemical alteration. When a person is diagnosed with such a disorder, the focus is to find an effective treatment. The ideal treatment for a disorder or injury would involve a medicine … Read more