Not everyone is going to be interested in your product, service, or idea. Rarely does a brand appeal to every potential customer. Most companies do not want to waste budgets on advertising to disinterested customers. To interest your target audiences, you must match the opportunities with their preferences. Various tools are used by marketers for successful advertising and publicizing their wares in the marketplace. The marketing formula of segmentation, targeting, positioning, and differentiation (STP / D) helps the marketer create a strategy that groups customers based on their likes or preferences and targets customers with specific advertising and public relations messages. Customer Segmentation and Interests Segmentation allows marketers to group or segment customers based on similar variables. To segment customer groups, the marketer finds commonalities in the demographic and psychographic information, along with likes and product preferences for business assignment help
Focused on inter-local governmental relationships. Analyze the extent to which two or more local governments (g., Tempe and Phoenix, or a city and a county, or a city and a school district) work together to address a common public problem. An inter-local analysis might include the extent to which cities in the Valley work together (or not) to address a problem such as homeless, air quality, water, or traffic problems The assignment in Module 6 is to write about an inter-local relationship. Analyze the extent to which the two local government (e.g., city to city, county to city, school district to city, etc.)
This assignment has two components. (1) Write an annotated bibliography of the two studies that can be used to answer the question. (2) Write your short summary answer (about five sentences) for the question posed above given the findings of the two articles. Find two more scientific studies that can be used to answer the above question. Find two studies that address a similar or the same topic within the boundary of social distancing policies. For example, you can review two studies on the effect of school closure or you can review two studies on travel bans. Find the studies that you can understand in terms of contents, methods, and contexts. You may be able to find a study that relies on a highly sophisticated mathematical models. If you don’t understand the models, please don’t review them. It is important to assess which studies you can or can’t understand. Please do NOT review a government website or a journal site that cites a study as part of the site. Research and read original and scientific articles. Your second annotated bibliography must be written within the following space limit: Up to two-page, single-spaced, 12-font size, and 1-inch margin because you are adding two more studies. No quotes are allowed. To prevent plagiarism, all assignments will be submitted through Turnitin. Assignments should be submitted as a Word document (.doc or .docx) or an Adobe PDF file (.pdf).
It is immoral to kill non-combatants during war. Putin’s army in Ukraine is not obeying this regulation; many Ukrainian citizens are being targeted and killed. But this war (and a possible 3rd world war) would have been avoided altogether if Trump had remained in office as the American president; and had Biden not taken over from him. After all, Putin did not start the war in Ukraine throughout Trump’s four years in office. So, if most people had known about this, they would have voted massively for Trump so as to continue to have a peaceful world. 1. From the above narration, identify an issue you want to address by asking a question to expose the issue. 2. Give a (tentative) answer to the question you raised above; (i.e, your hypothesis or your claim/conclusion). 3. Present your pieces of evidence (premises) to support your claim in this homework help.
his assignment introduces a simple, but powerful technique for modeling financial markets. We will use the basic economic tools of supply and demand to understand how security prices are determined in both “perfect,” frictionless markets as well as in more realistic settings that allow for differences of opinion and short sales constraints.
The CARA (Constant Absolute Risk Aversion) utility function is a workhorse in the academic literature because it generates easy to use linear demands for normally distributed assets. For agent i, the function quantifies an individual’s utility for a given level of wealth,, and risk tolerance,
(risk aversion coefficient is a reciprocal of risk tolerance,
Consider a one-period economy with a single risk asset and a risk-free rate equal to zero. The risky asset, present in positive fixed supply Q (with Q>0), is a claim on a single cash flow, Z, that is realized at the end of the period (t=1). Z is normally distributed with variance equal to 1. The risky asset is traded at price P at the beginning of the period (t=0).
Agent i (who takes price P) as given) solves the problem of maximizing her expected utility at t=0,
whereis agent i’s initial level of wealth.
Problem 1
Derive individual demand for the risky asset at t=0,, by writing out the first order condition (for an interior solution to) the maximization problem. Does the solution depend on the initial level of wealth? Why?
Hint: (i) Maximizing is equivalent to maximizing
. (ii) When X is lognormally distributed (i.e.,
is normally distributed,
), we have
Problem 2
Assume V identical agents in this economy; that is, for i=1 to V, and
. Substituting your solution for individual demand into the market clearing condition
, solve for the equilibrium price of the risky asset. The aggregate risk bearing capacity of investors in this economy is
. What happens to the price as individual risk tolerance approaches infinity? What happens to the price as the number of agents who know about this stock (its “visibility”, V) approaches infinity? With finite risk bearing capacity, is price always less than
, the rational expectation of Z?
Problem 3 – Investor Heterogeneity
Assume there are two types of agents: identical arbitrageurs with rational
identical noise traders with biased
a) Solve for the equilibrium price in this economy as shown in the link .
b) On the same graph, plot the equilibrium price againstfor the following cases:
a. Equal relative risk bearing capacity: ;
b. Marginal investor is an arbitrageur: ;
c. Marginal investor is a noise trader: .
c) Under what parameters are prices efficient? Optimistic? Pessimistic?
Problem 4 – Short Sales
a.) Express aggregate demands by arbitrageurs and noise traders from problem 3 as a function of Q and. When do arbitrageurs short the asset? When do noise traders short? What is the short interest (aggregate negative demand)?
b.) Describe a simple empirical test of this theoretical relation, specifying measurable proxies for the supply of shares (Q) and differences of opinion (). Reference
Now assume that short selling is prohibited: individual demand for the risky asset is.
c.) Plot the equilibrium price againstin this short sales constrained economy.
Hint: There will be 3 regimes corresponding to two corner solutions (when either the arbitrageurs or noise traders must hold the entire float, Q) and one interior solution in which the short sales constraint does not bind.
When are prices efficient? Optimistic? Pessimistic?
d.) Miller (1977) states that with short sales constraints, a stock’s price increases (expected return decreases) with the dispersion of investor beliefs and visibility (the number of investors paying attention to the stock). Does this follow from the model derived here? Does it require additional qualifications? Is the assumption of short sales constraints critical?
e.) (extra credit.) In order to short a stock, a trader must first borrow it from someone who owns a stock and is willing and able to lend it. Thus, short sales constraints are equivalent to constraints on stock lending. Assume that both arbitrageurs and noise traders described above can lend stocks they own. In addition to them, there areidentical “Constrained” noise traders with biased
. Constrained noise traders cannot lend stocks they own. When a trader shorts one share of the stock, she pays some nonnegative fee, F, to the trader who lends her the stock. Calculate the equilibrium value of the shorting fee, F.
Hint: There will be two regimes. In the first one, the lending constraint does not bind. In the second regime, the lending constraint binds.
When is the equilibrium shorting fee F equal to zero? When is it positive? What determines whether F is positive or not?
Problem 5
Interpret the following statement using the theoretical framework derived above.
“Over the last 5 years, the advent of online trading allowed millions of unsophisticated and inexperienced investors to participate in the stock market. At the same time, the number of hedge funds has also proliferated. The net impact of these trends on market efficiency is unclear.”
Retrieved from
Saint Thomas University
Name: _______________________ Date: ________________
ENC 1102 Professor
Literary Analysis on Death of a Salesman
1. Topic: Study the conflicting relationships between a parent (or a parental figure) and a son in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman . What are the effects of this tense relationship on the development of the characters (either parent or child)? Write an work in which you analyze the sources of the conflict and explain how the conflict contributes to the meaning of the work (theme).
2. Due Date: April 28, 2022 by 11:59 PM
3. Length: 6-8 pages total including a Works Cited page.
4. Sources: You must use a minimum of five sources. Please note that one source is the play
5. Content: Must use examples and quotes from the novel to support your thesis statement. You must use valid sources to support your thesis statement.
6. Plagiarism is a serious offense. If you plagiarize any portion of this work, then you will receive a failing test grade.
Paraphrasing: this is when you put the information from the source in YOUR OWN WORDS. To do this accurately, you must:
- Change the wording used in the source
- Change the order of the sentence
· Do not retell the story. A retelling of the plot is of limited value in literary works and is usually used only to set up the context of the quotations you plan to analyze. Instead, express an opinion about what you have read.
· Do not be afraid to take risks to interpret. Aim for a thesis that not everyone would agree with.
· Do not assume there is one correct view; in a literary analysis there is not. This does not mean that ANY position you take about is correct; some arguments fit the evidence better than others, so be careful about the one you make.
· Make sure any argument you present is supported by text evidence (properly cited lines
· Show that you care about your work by proofreading carefully for small errors.
Organizing a Literary Work:
· Organize your paragraphs according to the development of your argument, not the chronological order of the text.
· Do not try to say everything you have learned in one work.
· Use present tense to show that literary works and the issues are still alive. Not “Banquo was…” but “Banquo is….”
Supporting Your Points:
· Select only those quotations that advance and support your particular thesis. Keep them as brief as possible.
· Set up quotations with a brief reminder to readers of what is happening in the text at that point (but don’t summarize plot), followed by some sort of analysis of the passage.
· Integrate quotations into your work so that everything reads as coherent sentences.
Great Works Will:
1. Have a strong introduction that clearly states an integrated thesis that is thoughtful, argumentative, and specific; strong introductions ‘hook’ the reader. How will you hook yours?
2. Integrate supporting details, examples, and quotes with insightful, on topic information to support analysis.
3. Use well-selected textual evidence & create substantial proof of thesis.
4. Use the Three Steps to In-Text Citations:
1. Analyze how the evidence supports the main idea of the section
2. Do not just insert a line without telling the reader how it supports
your thesis.
3. Insightfully connects analysis to the thesis
5. Remember, the entire work is being written to support a thesis statement.
6. If you wander in another direction during the writing of your work, then you are not staying on topic.
7. Select the most effective organizational pattern in support of the thesis.
What is the Best Way to Construct This Work?
· Use transitions to effectively link ideas.
· Avoid slang and saying “you” or “I”.
· Show maturity through precise word choices, sentence variety, and paragraph development.
· Be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
· Keep a consistent present tense throughout.
Introduction & Thesis & Conclusion:
· Contains strong introduction that clearly states an integrated thesis that is thoughtful, argumentative, and specific.
· Contains strong conclusion that clearly re-states the thesis and summarizes the arguments.
Proof of Thesis, Ideas, Concepts & Themes/Supporting Details & Use of Evidence:
· Integrates supporting details, examples, and quotes with insightful contextual information to support analysis.
· Incorporate highly effective, well-chosen, relevant evidence taken directly from the text and used to emphasize work’s points.
· Writing shows thorough understanding of the topic/supporting details.
· Within the work, when material is referenced, it is done so according to the agreed-upon format see assignment help.
Analysis & Connections:
· Analysis of how evidence supports the main idea. Insightfully connects analysis to the thesis without summarizing.
· Develop ideas with a high degree of logic and coherence. There are no areas which are unclear or confusing to the reader.
Organizational Elements:
· Selects the most effective organizational pattern in support of the thesis.
· Work should be very well organized. Distinct paragraphs are evident. Ideas flow in a logical sequence with clear transitions.
Mechanical Conventions:
· Grammar/spelling consistent with grade level; includes using a consistent verb tense and appropriate and precise word choices.
· The work should contain few, if any, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, or usage errors.
Work Conventions:
· Command of work form {develops a strong thesis, organization, strong body paragraphs, conclusion}.
Work Style, Language & Voice:
· Shows stylistic maturity; sentence variety, and paragraph development; understands the style of writing literary pieces.
· Language and voice are effective, consistent, and appropriate for the work and the academic level.