Response to Reading, Podcast, and Video  

Listen to the podcast and watch this video and read the file attached and then start working 

Please respond to the following questions:

1.  Strpias argues that use of algorithms has allowed humans to offload certain aspects of culture onto computational processes. This is resulting in what he calls privatization of the processes that shape cultural values. What does he mean by this? Do you agree? 

2.  Farid examines the use of predictive algorithms in criminal sentencing to eliminate problems with racial bias in court.  How did he study the problem and what were his findings?  Does he find algorithms to be a useful tool in this context?  Why or why not?

3. This episode of AI Nation explores the emerging technology of self-driving cars.  Podcast host Malcolm Burnley argues that “AI is kind of like an alien intelligence. The way it handles information is hugely different from the way we do. There are some ways in which it’s superior to us, and other times it utterly fails at things we’d think of as common sense.”  How might that impact the way it drives a car?  Cite specific examples from the podcast.  What are your own thoughts about self-driving cars?  (i.e. Are you looking forward to a day when these are the norm or are you more wary of this form of transportation?)